Dorili Genocide Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Dorili Genocide

In every aspect of their life, the perverted practice of blood magic has taken hold. In every house, street, and child; in every prayer, ceremony, or practice; in games, in poems, in songs; in tales and stories, in paintings and murals.   Every face is stained by blood; every soul reeks of corruption. The blasphemous stench of their profane practice shall linger unless it is completely and utterly cleansed.   What they built by blood you shall redeem by fire.   And thus We decree:   Tear down their monuments of vanity; incinerate their tomes of sacrilege; unmake their mosaics stone by stone. Topple their lofty towers, raze their majestic palaces to the ground.   Erase them; leave neither scrolls nor tales nor cookeries nor shrines.   Spare none; neither combatants nor women nor children nor the elderly.   Tu malleus quatuor deorum. Ad bellum!
Kairoz the Andorian's sermon before the start of the campaign.
  The Dorili Genocide was the systematic erasure of the Dorili people and identity in Octoland during Kadian Invasion of Rakion. Decreed by Kairoz the Andorian due to the commonplace practice of blood magic, it was implemented through the destruction of monuments, burning of literature, forced conversion into the Andorian Church, massacres under orders of killing any and all non-rebelling Dorili, and erasing any mentions of their former culture and practices.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Conflict Result
Utter annihilation of the Dorili;
94% of the population dead;
5% of the population enslaved.


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