Etenili Genocide Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Etenili Genocide

A few dozen elves annihilated three companies; we've nearly stopped gaining ground. Tell the orcs that I approve their plan.   Saint Agustin has already taught us how to deal with elves in their forests. Make battle plans for land clearing.
Grand Marshal Auguste Arsenault concluding strategic deliberation.
  The Etenili Genocide was the systematic eradication of the Etenili people and their forests in Octoland during Kadian Invasion of Rakion. Ordered by Auguste Arsenault due to the difficulty of fighting within the dense forests and unlikelihood of surrender, it was implemented through mass forest fires, indiscriminate areal destruction, the poisoning of food supplies, and widespread massacres. The genocide was greatly facilitated by House Ugran, whose members willingly aided the SFLK against the elves, and eventually oversaw the genocide's implementation after they suggested poisoning the food supplies and slaughtered elves on their own initiative.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Conflict Result
The entirety of Etenil deforested;
Mass exodus of elves;
96% of the population dead.


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