Oghma Character in Theras | World Anvil

Oghma (ogg-mah)

Oghma is the old Menedynn deity of knowledge.   Oghma's dominion extends to the realm of ideas until his death. He acted as a judge, deciding the fate of new thoughts - whether they will flourish or fade with their creator. Wary of disruption, Oghma favors ideological stability, safeguarding the delicate balance established at creation.   Oghma's musical prowess and affability define his image among mortals. Bards revere him as their patron, the source of creativity and the guardian of accumulated knowledge. Scholars, wizards, and all who dedicate their lives to the exchange of knowledge and song pay homage to him, regardless of race, social standing, or belief system.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Oghma's followers, known as Namers, hail from diverse races and philosophies. To join the order, one must pledge allegiance to the Binder of What is Known and commit to acquiring, preserving, and sharing knowledge.   There are two types of Namers, often academics and sages, reside within temples, engrossed in research and the study of ancient texts. Their lives revolve around meticulously documenting and safeguarding historical records and accumulated knowledge.   The second type of the Namers, are more adventurous and curious lot, become traveling scholars and bards. They venture out to record firsthand accounts of the world, sharing their experiences with fellow Namers at various temples along their journeys. Their zest for life occasionally clashes with the scholarly order's strict focus, but these disagreements rarely escalate beyond mild disapproval. Both branches are vital to Oghma's philosophy - the scholars ensure the preservation of knowledge, while the wayfarers gather new experiences and perspectives to enrich it.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the supremacy of knowledge, recognizing it as the pinnacle of human achievement. Ideas, intangible yet potent, possess the ability to enact profound change.
  • Treasure the gift of ideas above material possessions, acknowledging that they hold greater significance than any creation of mortal hands.
  • Harness the power of knowledge responsibly, understanding that it must be wielded with care and discretion. However, hoarding knowledge for personal gain is discouraged.
  • Uphold the sanctity of life and creativity by refraining from silencing or condoning the silencing of those who express ideas through song or speech.
  • Foster an environment of intellectual freedom, allowing all ideas to be heard and considered, regardless of their perceived validity or sanity.
  • Share knowledge generously, spreading its benefits to enrich the lives of others wherever possible.
  • Contribute to the preservation of knowledge by documenting valuable lore at least once annually and distributing it freely./li]
  • Support the education and development of those dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge, including bards, scribes, and record keepers.
  • Combat falsehoods and misinformation by actively dispelling rumors and deceitful narratives whenever encountered.
  • Promote literacy and learning by offering instruction in reading and writing to those who seek it, without imposing any fees for the service.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and Legends

Myth of Knowledge
Most Oghmanyte myths date to the earliest centuries of Human existence. Some claim that Oghma gifted the world with written language, others that the Binder is responsible for all concepts. While such theological pedantry incites endless debate among the scholarly classes of Faerun, nearly everyone agrees that Oghma is ancient and has been widely worshiped since before the dawn of history. He appreciates Pheistus’ enthusiasm and creativity but frowns at the Wonderbringer’s constant desire to push technology further and further, putting innovation ahead of introspection. Oghma dislikes Masech, Khaziba, and Bane, viewing them as the most credible threats to his beloved balance.  
Myth of Creation
Legends whisper of Oghma's arrival during the Era of Bridges, at a time of the primordial chaos. He ventured into a realm of swirling concepts, yearning for form. With each utterance, a name solidified a concept, binding it to the physical world. Thus, Oghma, the Binder of What is Known, brought order from the void and secured his place as one of Theras' most ancient deities.      
It is said that Oghma was destroyed in The Gods War among many other deities. It is said that Ioun, took on his faithful and had emerged as the greater god of knowledge after she consumed all the knowledge from the Oghma's essence in the astral Plane. A crime that Soryna had taken very seriously and had earned her enmity to the goddess Ioun. This very act had made Ioun the only Greater power to hold knowleddge in the universe, making her a better god than Oghma in every aspect.   The Truth is that Ioun was a deity long before Oghma and they co-existed together in order to preserve and improve all collection of knowledge, that is, until The Gods War, where they had to choose to either die or preserve Sophia-Hold.

Personality Characteristics


Despite his conservatism, Oghma maintains a cheerful facade. His captivating appearance, masterful debate skills, and unparalleled charm disarm even his fiercest critics. Radical deities, who champion change like Helios and Nevel, find his pronouncements stifling, yet none can deny the beauty of his voice or his mesmerizing performances on the yarting, a Theran lute-like instrument.
The Lord of Knowledge;
Binder of what is Known;
The Wordsmith Supreme;
The Eldest Bard;
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Menedynn Pantheon
Home Plane
Hall of Knowledge
Subservient Deities
Bard, inspiration, invention, knowledge
Charm (Captivation), Knowledge, Luck (Imagination), Travel
Blank scroll
Artists, bards, cartographers, inventors, lore masters, sages, scholars, scribes, wizards
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Mortal Strike" (longsword)
Holy Days


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