Skoraeus Stonebones Character in Theras | World Anvil

Skoraeus Stonebones (skor-AY-us)

Skoraeus Stonebones, known as the Monarch of Stone, holds sway over espacially among stone giants and craftsmanship within the Giant Pantheon, revered particularly for his influence on art and construction among the Sirilians. Born of Annam, he stands among the second generation of giant deities alongside his siblings Thrym and Surtur.   Within the Giant pantheon, Skoraeus Stonebones is hailed as the deity associated with death, a recognition upheld by the Confederacy of Siril, contrasting with the absence of acknowledgment for The Raven Queen.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Priests of Skoraeus hold sway within stone giant communities, promoting a strict and insular doctrine that generally shuns interactions with other subterranean species. Characterized by their solemn and serious demeanor, they project a sense of detachment, believing that the activities of lesser beings should barely influence stone giant affairs. They view the polarities of law and chaos with skepticism, striving for a balance between them.   Non-Giant Priests are usually artists who take their protective roles seriously and are incharge of gravedigging and keeping the dead, holding sermons for the living on the meaning of life. Therefore, the socieities of many giants, dig graveyards within the underdark. In addition, his followers are architects who go on great length to build both sturdy and marvelous buildings.   In the broader context of the Giant Pantheon, Skoraeus receives a measure of reverence from giants of all kinds, though his active worshippers are primarily stone giants. Regarded as a patron of craftspeople and artists, he is not expected to offer hands-on support or inspiration for their work. Skoraeus is perceived as particularly detached, focusing his attention almost exclusively on the stone giants.  
Initiates serving Skoraeus are called the Unworked, progressing to be recognized as Brothers or Sisters of Stone upon full priesthood. The hierarchical titles for priests of Skoraeus, in increasing order of seniority, are Stonecarver, Stonewalker, Stoneseer, Stonereader, and Stonespeaker. The title of Stonespeaker is exclusively held by the tribe's chief priest, regardless of whether they stand alone in their role.  
Temples dedicated to Skoraeus are invariably situated underground, positioned at the deepest accessible part of the society's dwelling space, though the exact location can vary with the underground landscape. These sacred spaces come in two distinct styles: either as vast, naturally occurring caverns that captivate with their natural beauty and impressive rock formations or as meticulously carved halls adorned with detailed friezes that envelop the walls, complemented by statues and other stone artworks populating the space. The carved halls serve a dual purpose, not only as places of worship but also as repositories of knowledge, with their friezes encoding vast amounts of information decipherable mainly to stone giants. The size of these temples can greatly differ; natural caverns are as expansive as the caverns themselves, chosen for their aesthetic formations, while the handcrafted temples are expanded over generations, with the most ancient ones being particularly expansive. Shrines to the Rockking blend seamlessly into natural settings, often overlooked by those not of the stone giant kind, yet they stand out to stone giants, who discern messages about safe locations, water sources, food, and more. Stone giants that reside closer to the surface might construct significant cairns that serve both as shrines and markers, encoding details about territorial claims, potential hazards, and entrances to their domains. Interfering with these cairns is a sure way to provoke the wrath of stone giants.  
Day-to-Day Activities
Priests of Skoraeus dedicate the bulk of their time to meditation, crafting of complex sculptures and friezes or taking care of the dead, the spirits, souls of the giants and other non-giant creatures. They tend to keep apart from the rest of their society, holding the conviction that it falls upon them to guide societal matters, aiming to propel the stone giants toward higher artistic achievements and intellectual breakthroughs - except sermons and gravekeeping roles.  
Clerics of Skoreaus mandate that any stone giant, regardless of their allegiance to other gods, who strays from their deity's principles must seek redemption through meditation. This principle of atonement is also instilled in the offspring of non-giants under Skoreaus' protection.   The Church of the Living Rock does not conduct public rituals. Yet, every few months, priests individually feel an inner summons to embark on solitary expeditions into the depths of the Underdark, departing without provisions. After a span of four days, they emerge unharmed, offering no details about their journey other than acknowledging the Rockking's provision. These excursions are in fact spiritual quests during which Skoreaus imparts wisdom directly to his followers through dreams, signs, and the rock formations encountered. These solitary wanderings of the priests usually go unnoticed by other denizens of the Underdark, shielded as they are by their faithfulness to their god. The revelations received are unique to each cleric, though they often include alerts of threats to their community, the whereabouts of hidden treasures, or inspiration for artistic endeavors. Despite the lack of provisions, they invariably find sustenance and water readily available, and in communities with multiple priests, these calls to solitude are staggered to ensure not all are absent simultaneously.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Skoraeus view beauty as a manifestation of the truth and consider the pursuit of knowledge to be the path to power, with secrets holding the greatest power of all. The Underdark is regarded as a vast repository of hidden truths waiting to be uncovered. In their tradition, sculpting from raw stone is not just craftsmanship but a sacred act that uncovers deeper meanings and truths, under the divine guidance of Skoraeus. Those among them who excel in stone carving are not merely artists but are esteemed as leaders, spiritual guides, and visionaries, believed to be directly inspired by Skoraeus, transforming stone into revelations of the divine.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Skoraeus emerged as part of the second generation of giant deities, alongside Surtur and Thrym, undertaking numerous tasks for his siblings. Legend speaks of him imparting the knowledge of smelting to Surtur and teaching Thrym the art of enchanting weapons with magical runes after Surtur's refusal to forge new arms. He forged the spears wielded by Hiatea during her legendary trials of valor and aided Stronmaus in vanquishing a tarrasque by revealing the creature's vulnerabilities hidden beneath the sea. It's said he even crafted his father's formidable axe, Sky Cleaver.   In a notable event around 2,300 BB, Skoraeus engaged in a battle of intellect with the Primordial Grumbar, shaping its will through cunning strategy. Many sages and entities speculate that Skoraeus emerged victorious, establishing an unprecedented connection between himself and the Earth Elemental, Grumbar.  

Rumors and Legends

In a classic giant tale, Memnor murmured something in Skoraeus's ear, which Surtur demanded to know. Skoraeus repeated what he had heard, resulting in Surtur brooding on the words and reacting rashly, as when taken out of context what was said was misleading. This, however, was not in any way seen as Skoraeus's fault, who had done exactly what was asked of him; if Surtur had instead asked for advice regarding Memnor's message, the legend would have ended very differently.

Personality Characteristics


Skoraeus Stonebones is an enigmatic deity, retreating deep underground, solely focused on the welfare of stone giants. Embodying solemnity and detachment, he exhibits little concern for matters beyond safeguarding his kin and preserving his solitude. Although compelled by circumstances, he reluctantly engages with the deities of dwarves and svirfneblin, the deep gnomes. Possessing profound knowledge of curses, magic, and the hidden marvels concealed within worlds, he guards these secrets closely. Skoraeus intervenes to shield stone giants or guide them to new territories, occasionally revealing or concealing mystical caverns or valuable mineral deposits.   Legend holds that Skoraeus guided the Sirilians to their sanctuary in Rakion, aiding in fortifying their domain. DuringThe Battle of Okrin, he emerged as a pivotal figure among the Sirilisch, earning acclaim for his actions.
The King of the Rock;
Monarch of Stone;
The Great Creator;
The Living Rock;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power, Aspect of Grumbar
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Art, Architacture, stone giants, Crafting, Death
Artifice (Construct, Industry, Toil), Earth (Dolmen, Metal), Protection (Fortifications), Repose, Rune, Strength (Ferocity, Fist, Resolve)
Stone giants and Sirilians
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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