Surtur Character in Theras | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Surtr)

Surtr or Surtur is the lord of the fire giants.   Surtur is known for many creations of the gods and weapons, often rivaling Moradin and Pheistus on that field.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The majority of Surtr's followers are giants and Sirilisch, with a rare inclusion of individuals from other races who have managed to gain his favor.   The clergy dedicated to Surtr devote significant time to blacksmithing, crafting weapons to arm their kin and various items for trade, including whitesmithing, which often makes the clergy itself a worthy competitor of the likes of Corellon Larethien, Helena and Moradin clergies.   Their craftsmanship is typically of superior quality, as they avoid making substandard goods unless absolutely necessary. In addition to their forging duties, they coordinate the efforts of other blacksmiths within their community. These priests are also adept at engineering, often designing intricate mechanical constructs primarily for defensive traps, though they have also been known to construct large, complex gear-driven structures. Aside from these responsibilities, they engage in training animals, particularly hell hounds, and sometimes even captives like trolls or red dragons.   The priesthood is also known for their seer abilities.  
Priestly Vestments
Surtr's priests don elaborate ceremonial attire, consisting of black iron plate armor with striking red or gold highlights. Their large, open-faced iron helmets are similarly adorned. On the most formal occasions, they enhance their ensemble with costly red robes draped over their armor. The clergy's holy symbol is a diminutive iron sword, which they wear around their necks on a chain.   When not engaged in ceremonial duties, such as during adventures, the priests of the Lord of Fire dress like the warriors of their tribe. They typically don heavy plate armor and wield large two-handed swords, although they are adaptable and will use different weapons and armor as the situation demands.  
Surtr's temples in the lands of men are hidden affairs. Those that are not hidden are huge buildings ringing with the sounds of forges and storing weapons in preparation for the battle at the end of the world. Visitors have only a few seconds to prove their intentions before the fire giants attack. Fire giants and Sirilians empathizers do not enjoy leaving witnesses to their activities.

Tenets of Faith

Dogma of the Firelord
  • Fire embodies purity, cleansing, and strength.
  • The weak and impure succumb to its flames, while the strong endure.
  • Fire serves as a valuable tool but demands respect.
  • Unbridled, it poses perilous hazards and must be handled with care.


The Feast of Surtur
The most important ceremony amongst the priesthood of the Lord of Fire Giants is the Feast of Surtur. Spanning the three days preceding the Summer Solstice, adherents gather for feasting, engaging in contests of skill and athleticism. As the noon of Midsummer Day arrives, each devotee casts an offering into a sacrificial blaze. These offerings typically comprise items of personal significance, although valuable possessions such as jewelry are also permitted. This act symbolizes the prioritization of spiritual allegiance over material possessions in devotion to Surtur. Following the offerings, the priests lead the tribe in an extensive prayer to the Black One, concluding the day with joyous festivities.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Surtr looks like an immensely large fire giant with crackling flames for hair and eyebrows. He wears armor of blazingly hot iron and wields a flaming iron sword 15 feet in length.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the year 1,776 BB Surtur deemd intervened to rescue the Fire Elemental Lord from a rebellion, his formidable forces striking fear into all beings across the planes. The conflict ensued, with Surtur vying for ultimate control over fire, yet unable to subdue the primordial essence. Amidst their internal strife, Ervenius emerged as the mediator, ultimately securing the primordial's supremacy.   In truth, Ervenius had merged the two weakened being from their endless fight and like fire, the two of them shape the plane of fire in two different ways, while the primal lord, Kossuth, is more powerful and always seem to have his way, Surtur is sometimes able to take the holds on the rein, bringing the plane of fire to Ysgard, with industry and purpose.


Contacts & Relations

Surtr, a son of Annam, is part of the second generation of giantish deities, born at about the same time as Skoraeus Stonebones and Thrym. While Surtr's cult is similar to that of Thrym's, fire and ice do not mix.
Lord of the Fire Giants;
Surtr the Black;
Flame Lord;
The Firelord that was extinguished;
Inferno Sovereign;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power , Aspect of Kossuth
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Destruction, fire, fire giants, Industry
Artifice (Alchemy, Construct, Industry, Toil), Destruction, Evil (Fear), Fire, War
Flaming Sword
Fire giants, pyromanicas, Sirilians
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Greatsword, Javelin
Holy Days
Feast of Surtur


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