Sword Dancer of Eilistraee Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Sword Dancer of Eilistraee

The Sword Dancers of Eilistraee are elite Female, composed almost entirely of Dark Elves, few Elves and many Half Elves, from many species, mostly half-Dark Elven.   The Sword Dancers, a distinguished order of Eilistraee's specialized clerics, strive to emulate their goddess in every aspect. They embody artists, diplomats, leaders, and protectors, reflecting the motherly aspect of Eilistraee towards the Drow people. Their purpose is to aid and shield fellow drow, especially those in need of rescue from the clutches of Lolth and other adversaries, including the followers of Vhaeraun, Ghaundaur and Kiaransalee.  

Sword Dancers Role

  • Promoters of Harmony
    The Sword Dancers embrace their role as emissaries of Eilistraee, leading, guiding, supportting and protecting drow seeking to break free from the oppressive influence of Lolth and return to the surface. They actively work towards fostering cooperation and harmony between drow and other races, often residing near elven or other settlements. By providing aid, food, and protection, they build friendships and create a welcoming environment for drow converts on the surface.
  • Artistry
    The Sword Dancers excel not only in martial prowess but also in artistic expressions. Their repertoire includes mesmerizing dance performances, skillful acrobatics, and proficiency in playing musical instruments like the harp, flute, or horn. They spread joy through their nurturing of beauty, music, and song wherever they go.
  • Diplomats and Ambassadors
    The Sword Dancers act as ambassadors of friendship between different races, bridging gaps and fostering understanding. Through their efforts, they hope to promote peaceful coexistence and cooperation in the realms they inhabit, through their diplomatic skills that allow them to navigate complex social situations with grace and tact. It should be noted that Their ability to mediate and foster understanding contributes to their role as peacemakers among many other conflicts and not only through friendships and reconciliation of the Drow Race.



Within the clergy of the Dark Maiden, the Sword Dancers follow a non-hierarchical structure. They recognize many Clerics which seems to work in unison as their spiritual guides, fostering unity and camaraderie among all followers of Eilistraee.


Their reknown is due to many reasons, including:
  • Dance of Blades
    Sword Dancers are renowned for their exceptional swordsmanship, employing an agile and acrobatic style of fencing that resemble a graceful dance. Their mastery of the blade allows them to move swiftly on the battlefield, striking with precision and elegance.
  • Enchanted Blades
    The Sword Dancers share a unique bond with their swords, infusing them with Eilistraee's magic. They empower their weapons with various enchantments, turning them into singing swords for increased precision and inspiring their hearts. Additionally, they make their swords dance on their own to attack enemies or provide protection.
  • Magical Arsenal
    Beyond their swordplay, the Sword Dancers wield a repertoire of magical abilities. They can cast the magic missile spell or channel its energy to enhance their sword strikes with blue-white flames. Their magical prowess allowed them to enchant blades with a silvery glow, boosting their accuracy without risk of dispelling and even turning lycanthropes, as other clerics turn undeads.
  • Spellsong Masters The Sword Dancers possess the unique ability to sing and dance to channel Eilistraee's power. Amidst the chaos of battle, they can use their Spellsong to replicate the effects of multiple spells, heal allies, or grant protection from magic. When gathered as a choir, their spellsongs could achieve even more potent and beneficial effects, such as restoring lost limbs. In addition, they can maintain focus and perform intricate spells while gracefully evading attacks, making them forimdable adversaries and stalwar protectors.



There isn't active recruitment per se, only a Moonlight Rituals, through which The initiation of Sword Dancers is conducted; This ritual involves performing nightly moonlit dances in honor of Eilistraee, deepening their connection to the goddess and her teachings. The dance is an important part of their spiritual journey and transformation.
Overall training Level


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