The Change of Seasons Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

The Change of Seasons

The Change of seasons in the whole of Theras and the planes is governed by the gods.   Since the dawn of time, there was chaos and wars. Once the moons were set in the world by Lune and Sehanine and the sun was risen by Stronmaus, the gods have argued and devasted the world multiple times, until an accord was made in the spirt of The Pax Imperiis, for which the gods each governed the world.   Today, the gods order the change of season:
  • Autumn: Ehlonna, though some say that Falazure covets that position.
  • Winter: Morana, however the true aspect behind the power is Thrym, while The Raven Queen is waiting for opportunity to usurp this power, however in vain
  • Spring: Helios, the sun god and some say that he holds it jointly with Sehanine Moonbow
  • Summer: Thea, the Goddess of Summer with the aid of Stronmaus the true aspect has the power of the sun


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