Stronmaus Character in Theras | World Anvil

Stronmaus (STRAWN-mawz)

Stronmaus is the giant deity of the Sun, Sky, Weather, Seas, and Joy.   He is the leader of the Giant Pantheon.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Among Giants
Stronmaus holds the reverence of storm giants and benevolent cloud giants, celebrated across all giant kind as a deity of the sky and weather. Among hill giants, he's venerated as a formidable fisherman; frost giants regard him as a daring navigator and voyager; and for cloud giants, he embodies the potent force of stormy weathers. To the Sirilians, he ascends as the sun god, tracing his origins to the Aspect of Helios, where he stands both as a figure of immense strength and a leader of distinction.   The clergy of Stronmaus garners high esteem within the giant community, especially among those dwelling in open spaces or by bodies of water. They are particularly integral to the communities of benign cloud, fog, and storm giants, and to some degree, the firbolg and voadkyn. Stronmaus's priests typically shun political power, instead opting to lead their communities through counsel and teaching. This approach is notably prevalent among storm giant groups, where the clergy often adopt a solitary and rigorous way of life. While not universally worshipped by malevolent giants, appeals to Stronmaus for favorable weather for travel or agriculture are not uncommon among them.   Stronmaus's clergy is highly respected amongst most of Giant society, especially those who live under open skies or near water. In particular, they play an especially important part of the societies of good cloud, fog, and storm giants, and to a lesser extent the firbolg and voadkyn. Priests of the Smiling God do not generally move into positions of political leadership, preferring to guide their people through advice and education; this is particularly true in storm giant bands, where the priests often live apart from their people in a particularly austere lifestyle. While not often worshipped outright amongst giants of an evil bent, he is sometimes called upon when good weather is needed for travel or rain is needed for agriculture.    
Among Non-Giant
In non-Giant communities, namely the Confederacy of Siril, he became the sun god, which he was the original Aspect of Helios. He is both mighty and the leader of the nobility there.
  In Sirilian Culture, he is regarded as one of the most ancient and mighty deities of all times.   Stronmaus's clerics are skilled in the arts and music. They wear fine jewelry and keep large personal fortunes; the quality of jewelry and dress is a sign of rank. They are proud and organized, and believe in ridding the skies of evil creatures.   His storm shaman-priests are shabbily-dressed and ascetic. They must sit atop a cold, deserted peak for 100 days without food before they are accepted into the priesthood, and they remain solitary, dealing with the creatures of the sky or sea. They are visionaries, mystics, and meditators who treat each other as equals.    
The design of temples within each community is remarkably consistent, featuring elongated, marble structures with rectangular shapes and colonnades, all under gently sloping roofs. The tops of the columns often mimic the forms of waves or clouds, with bases that may resemble waves and capitals depicting clouds, though this varies. At the heart of each temple lies an open-air central area, dominated by a lengthy pool of sparkling water. Rather than housing cultic statues or altars, these sacred spaces are devoid of such imagery. The belief is that the entirety of the sky and all bodies of clean water symbolize the Storm Lord, rendering physical representations unnecessary. However, this absence of icons does not mean the temples lack decoration. On the contrary, they are vividly painted in blues, greens, yellows, and whites, and adorned with geometric motifs and depictions of giants indulging in the pleasures of life. Shrines are typically modest: small, round, marble platforms encircled by standalone columns, with natural mountain springs or open, bowl-shaped depressions also serving as sacred sites, especially in locations devoid of trees or overhanging rock formations.    
Clergy members of Stronmaus, make it a point to pray during or just after rainstorms or thunderstorms. They are prohibited from starting fires but are allowed to seek warmth from fires lit by someone else.

Tenets of Faith

  • Recognize and honor the purifying and transformative effects of rainfall as a symbol of renewal and redemption and wait for the sun to dry all.
  • Value and protect the liberty of oneself and others, celebrating the freedom to live and express oneself openly and without restraint.
  • Partake in and appreciate the finer pleasures of life, embracing joy, merriment, and the pursuit of happiness as sacred expressions of faith.
  • Understand life as a series of trials and tribulations to be met with passion and resilience, acknowledging the futility of some endeavors in the grand scheme of nature's overwhelming forces.
  • Work for the betterment for oneself, as true nobility is a reward that all can aspire to and achieve


Twice per year, on the summer and winter solstices, hierarchical priests initiate an Omjag, or "Sky Hunt." These sacred hunts target a specific evil aerial creature, such as a chimera, a wyvern, or a chromatic dragon. For the week following, the priests hunt the creature, ritually slay it, and offer it to Stronmaus. Often initiate priests will be granted the killing blow, elevating them to a full member of the clergy. Unsuccessful hunts, or those where priests are slain, are viewed as bad omens for the coming season.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Stronmaus' avatar appears as an enormous (up to 80' tall) giant with blue eyes and flowing auburn-red, wavy hair, wearing a simple gold-edged white robe. He is far more youthful and carefree than his father Annam. He is normally depicted smiling and reveling. He cannot help but smile, for the energy of life flows through him so strongly that it is hard not for him to express his continual exuberance. He revels in the storms he calls up and in the thunder that booms from his magical hammer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Stronmaus is the eldest son of Annam and thus the default leader of the Giant Pantheon since Annam's withdrawal, though he does not covet his father's power. Stronmaus' closest relationship is with his sister Hiatea; the two are commonly seen as a pair, the oldest and most powerful of Annam's children. His other siblings and half-siblings include Diancastra, Grolantor, Iallanis, Skoraeus Stonebones, Surtr, and Thrym. Memnor and Vaprak are also sometimes named as his relatives.   It should be mentioned that after The Worldforge Runekeepers Destruction, the giants had turned to Stronmaus for unity as the pantheon, leading to a truce with the Seldarine and the Morndinsamman.  
Rumors and Legends
It is said that during the dark ages, when the moons began to shine at night with the stars, Stronmaus, had reached the skies and planted there the sun, for the giants and all to revel at his creation.

Personality Characteristics


Stronmaus has inherited some of his father's fickle lusts, and may send avatars simply to woo and seduce beautiful female giants


Contacts & Relations

Stronmaus often flies the skies of The Beastlands with Aerdrie Faenya. He is well-disposed toward the gods of the Asathalfinare, and may send avatars to help them in times of need. Stronmaus despises Memnor above all others, and will send avatars to restrict the evil cloud giant god's activities.
The Storm Lord;
The Smiling God;
Master of Storms;
The Sol-father;
Sovereign of the Skies;
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
The Beastlands
Subservient Deities
Cloud giants, Sky, Sun
Chaos, Good, Joy, Protection, Seas, War, Weather, Nobility
Air, Chaos (Azata, Protean, Revelry, Whimsy), Good (Azata, Friendship), Healing (Medicine, Restoration), Nobility, Protection, Strength, Sun, War (Duels, Tactics), Weather
a forked lightning bolt descending from a cloud that partly obscures the sun.
Sirilisch, Cloud Giants, Good-aligned Giants
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
The Warhammer
Holy Days


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