Falazure Character in Theras | World Anvil


Falazure, the fearsome Night Dragon, reigns over domains of energy depletion, Undeath, deterioration, and fatigue. Depictions vary, with some describing him as a decaying skeletal figure, while others envision him as an aged black dragon with taut skin stretched over his bones.   Though he is the master of all Undeath and is the supreme deity, he is also described 'the pupeteer', the one that allows all death to flow through him. It was told that once all undeath deities tried to overthrow him, but failed miserably and thus, all became direct subserviants to him. He is ever meticolous, not allowing those that reach Demi Power to become unacquainted with him and acknowledging him.
  He is using his subservients and siphoning theire power, limiting their ability to challenge him again, he continously helps them and thus making sure that no would be able to make an alliance against him as this is unworthy of their time.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Necromancers from all races hold reverence for the Night Dragon, with even those not aligned with evil offering token acknowledgment. This extends to intelligent undead entities of diverse origins.  
Day-to-Day Activities
Falazure's adherents immerse themselves in necromantic studies and philosophical reflections on mortality.
Their quests often center on the transition from life to undeath, occasionally assisting others in their transformation but more commonly focusing on their own metamorphosis into undead beings.
Temples to Falazure are always deep beneath the earth, cloaked in darkness and far from the sun and fresh air of the surface world.
Devout worshipers of Falazure observe nightly prayers, paying homage to the Night Dragon with solemn invocations that exalt death and decay. These prayers often express desires to awaken in the night or to undergo a transformation into Undeath. Falazure's rituals typically involve the summoning of undead beings or the transformation of individuals into undead forms. The Night Dragon's worshippers view death and decay as sacred, likening the transition to undeath to awakening from slumber.   Falazure's ceremonies are centered around the realm of the undead, with a focus on raising undead minions or achieving personal transformation into powerful undead beings. One notable ritual, the Drawing Down ceremony, occurs once every Sehanine, starting on the waning half-moon and lasting for two ten-days, concluding at the new moon. During this time, dragons of various breeds conduct intricate rituals to honor the deceased and guide their spirits to the Guardian of the Lost. Mortals take those rituals seriously.   During total solar eclipses, followers of Falazure partake in the Falzurication ceremony, also known as the Reaver's Rampage. In this event, worshipers of the Night Dragon engage in acts of destruction and death across Theras. The individual responsible for causing the most casualties among mammals is believed to undergo a transformation into a Wyrm of Death and assume the role of high priest of Falazure until the subsequent eclipse.

Tenets of Faith

Falazure imparts the wisdom that even the long lives of dragons eventually come to an end. However, he suggests that this need not be the final fate, as Undeath beckons like a tempting treasure waiting to be discovered. Many believe Falazure had a hand in the genesis of the first undead dragons.   Fundamentally, Falazure teaches that death and decay are unavoidable facets of existence, urging dragons and mortals to integrate these elements into their lives to attain true strength. Embracing mortality during life signifies the eventual integration of the afterlife into the realm of the living.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Falazure is a wretched, creeping thing no longer able to fly, but he has a gravely terrible beauty nonetheless. He is vast and sleek, with silver-edged scales of midnight blue and vestigial wings; he may also appear as a handsome Human or comely elf. He is a brilliant, gifted master of disguise, and lacks his sister Tiamat’s recklessness. He requires a continuous stream of death to maintain his beauty and perfection; if he goes without death for too long, he becomes gaunt and skeletal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is widely believed among his followers that Falazure was the son of Asgorath and brother of Bahamut and Tiamat.   During the Gods War, Falazure approached the Cult of the Dragon, in an attempt to counter Tiamat's efforts to incorporate the cultists into her own faith. Around 980 AB, the black dragon Gryznath, a Chosen of Faluzure, was sent by his god to topple the theocracy of Aluda'ar. Gryznath took the chance to try to convert an Orc horde to the worship of Faluzure. While his plans were thwarted when a band of adventurers killed the dragon, some paladins of She'eros believe Gryznath was later revived by Faluzure as an undead, as his remains were never found.

Personality Characteristics


Falazure exhibits arrogance, fatalism, and pride. His wrath smolders, as he harbors grudges against any who slight him until they ferment into seething hatred. Unlike his kin, who seek dominion, Falazure's ambition is to bring about complete destruction and annihilation across all realms.


Contacts & Relations

Falazure, harbored deep animosity towards his siblings, Bahamut and Tiamat. Despite once being allied with Tiamat, an ancient divide in their history led to enduring enmity. He relentlessly pursues Hlal, who, in myth, played a cunning prank that so infuriated Falazure that he continues the chase, even targeting Hlal's followers. Additionally, Falazure resented Tamara's disruption of the natural order of death, holding a vehement hatred for her.
Night Dragon;
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Hacate, Yurtrus
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Kiaransalee, Oaris, Orrual, Yurtrus, Memnor
Energy Draining, Decay, Undeath, Exhaustion, Undeads
Darkness (Loss, Shadow, Yule), Death, Evil (Daemon, Demodand, Demon, Devil, Fear, Kyton, Plague), Luck (Fate), Scalykind (Dragon, Venom), Void (None)
Dragonic Skull
Necromancers, Undead, Vampires, Nars Duchies
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Unarmed Strike, Scimitar (Claw), Sickle
Holy Days

Worshipers Relationship

Falazure is worshipped by shadow dragons and undead dragons. He is revered by many necromancers, vampires of nondraconic races as well, and by intelligent undead.  


Heart of Shadow The Heart of shadow is a knightly order that one of its principal is honoring the night god, with honor, giving the most wretched the 'gift' of Undeath.


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