The Pax Imperiis Document in Theras | World Anvil

The Pax Imperiis

The Pax Imperiis is a ceasfire agreement between the Kadian Dominion and the Yokun Empire. It was signed in Mechanus, and is enforced by its Maruts.


Though the motivations for the agreement aren't stated explicitly, it is widely agreed that its purpose is to allow the Yokunhein to divert manpower and resources to the Yokun Grausur Campaign in the north without fear of opportunistic aggression from the south. It is currently unclear whether the SFLK has an ulterior motive other than peace.

Document Structure


In case of a breach, the God King will be brought to answer for said breach in the plane of Mechanus. The Divine Legate is to serve two centuries as an arbiter and judge in the plane of Mechanus, starting one week following the breach of contract, during which he is to ensure proper functioning of the SFLK in his absence.
In case of any of the signatories dying, retiring, abdicating, or otherwise transferring their position to another party in name or practice, said party, together with the signatories, will be held accountable for any breach.
The Pax Imperiis extends to any and all military forces, official or otherwise, that operates under, is supported by, takes orders from, or is under the guidance of the polities or any of their subsidiary organizations. Rogue factions, as defined in the Rogue Faction clause, must be proven to have gone rogue according to the criteria defined in the Rogue Faction clause.

Historical Details


The continent of Epeoris is largely divided into the north and the south by Belligerent's Bay, a geographical scar that remains from the Belli Magna. With the north being dominated by the former Kingdom of Lustiris followed by the Yokun Empire, and the south by the First and Second Empire of Ader, followed by the Kadian Dominon, both cultures are in a constant struggle of varying degrees.   Though many of the wars were ended by negotiating a treaty, the Pax Imperiis is not only the only treaty signed during relative peace, but also the only treaty in which both empires acknowledge the other's legitimacy. In practice, the treaty divides the continent between the two powers and serves as a semi-formal declaration of conquest that threatens every sovereign state that does not have any defensive pact with either empires.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Ratification Date
9th of Coppernium, 1050
Expiration Date
1st of Arn-Wint, 1075
Signatories (Characters)


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