The Dragonborn who Loved Freedom Document in Theras | World Anvil

The Dragonborn who Loved Freedom

The Dragonborn who Loved Freedom is a tragedy in 3 acts written by Ruairí O’ Cualin that follows his previous play. As he claims in his previous play, this play was also given to him in a dream by a "pretty lizard with butterfly wings".  


Act I: "Once upon a time there lived a Dragonborn who loved to eat mud...". When he tries to eat his mudcake after the exploits in the previous play, all lights are suddenly put out. His home, where drakes love to dance, is suddenly covered by a great shadow. The dragonborn seeks light sources to illuminate the shadows; he finds some bonfires that still remain, and four torches that he carries with him.   Act II: He reaches a village where the villagers are afraid to light up, since the lights attract horrid monsters that are also afraid of the shadows. He travels to the monsters' lair, where he convinced their father to stop sending them to the village. The villagers then slowly but surely start illuminating their village.   Act III: One of the bonfires tell of a land to the west where the light is still strong. The dragonborn and his torches travel there, seeking to bring some light to their home. The night before they arrive, Luna is offended by the torches and kills the dragonborn. All torches and all bonfires mourn his death.   Removed Scene: The dragonborn arrives at an unfamiliar place dressed in white robes, but still carries all of his other props, including his backpack and pouches. He walks slowly across the stage, while removing his bags which drop heavily to the ground. As he reaches the end of the stage, he takes a deep breath, smiles, and exits the stage. Bowed string instruments are heard playing discordantly and at different rythms.
Manuscript, Literature
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