The Enmity of Elves and Dwarves Myth in Theras | World Anvil

The Enmity of Elves and Dwarves

It is recorded, in many libraries of the elves and both the dwarves, different version of the same Story - The Enmity of Elves and Dwarves is the tale that goes on during the Dawn of the Mortal Races Era, where the elves and dwarven people and pantheons all waged wars on the giants who were imposed on retaking back Arvandor.   Over the course of 3 centuries, the war was leaning toward the elven and dwarvish forces, however with the elven forces impentrating the kingdom of Jotunheim, having destroying everything of value that aided the giants and ransacking it thouroughly, including the Worldforge Runekeeper's Amulet.   The Destuction of the artifact had a large impact on the dwarves since, the dwarves, were mainly relying on Rune Magic and not Arcane Magic.   Most dwarves remember the tale, that their allies used the opportunity to achieve superiorioty in these text.   The Elves claim that the item was destroyed after the giants themselves had destroyed it, while the dwarves regards this tale as nonsense.     After 25 years, since The Worldforge Runekeepers Destruction, the Dwarves had breached into the Feywild and tried to find the source of high elven magic and destroy it. However, no such source was found and instead, they succeeded in banishing The Seldarine, into Arvandor with the aid of Orosaban, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Angradd, Magrim in a ploy that severed the connection of the Elves to the Feywild.


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