The Kariondorian Vigil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Kariondorian Vigil

The Kariondorian Vigil is a name for rumors of fanatics in Rakion, who claim to have visions of conquest and horror in the East of Rakion, claiming that the Chromatic dragons are emerging again in disguise after the conquest of Kadian Dominion in the Kadian Invasion of Rakion - claiming there should be another Scales Unbound Crusade.   The Vigil don and depict themselves with the red color on their belongings, signifying that they avenge the blood of the innocents by the merciless SFLK.


Dacius 1, 1051 AB to Ernius 4, 1051 AB

Many of the People of Rakion are awakened with nightmares, each at their corresponding time of awakening, dreams of death and witnessing the The Skyfire Conflagration first hand.   The Sovereign Imperator had declared a fasting day in the whole empire, in which the people were reassured of the dreams by most of the priests of Neomen Pantheon to calm their nerves and in congregations, spoke of peace and patience for the Devils of Ameros are at work.  

Ernius 5, 1051 to X

People have begun taking action against the citizens and faithful of the Andorian Church, often hanging them in 'private justice', prosecuting them whenever they are found, mostly with the support of the local rulers in Rakion.   However, several thousands have taken up arms and are venturing with ships through the Free Cities of Nidoran, The Free Marches and through the center of the continent, though not many know how they go from there to the 'self-proclaimed' crusade.

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