Free Cities of Nidoran Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Free Cities of Nidoran

The Free Cities of Nidoran emerged as a result of the new settlers, comprising the Menedynn refugees and the Sehan Elves , who sought to establish independent and self-governing communities in the wake of their liberation from Dark Elf enslavement. These cities became beacons of freedom and resilience, representing the triumph of unity over oppression.   The Free cities is a hub of trade and are furthering Golem construction aswell.


The Free Cities of Nidoran are characterized by their emphasis on liberty and self-governance. Each city is governed by a council composed of representatives from various sectors of society, including both humans and rarely Sehan Elves. These councils ensured that decisions were made collectively and in the best interest of the community. The Menedynn, having experienced the horrors of enslavement, cherished their newfound freedom and actively participated in the democratic processes of the Free Cities.


The settlers brought with them their diverse backgrounds, traditions, and expertise, which contributed to the rich tapestry of the Free Cities. Drawing upon the knowledge and skills of the Sehan Elves and the Narsilians that once occupied these lands, these cities flourished as centers of art, culture, and trade.


It is told in the records and the oral tradtions that Nidoran was the original place When the Narsilians came and after the The Zephyrashan Sundering, most of them left to the mainland and they left the cities of the Narsilians.   It should be noted that later on, Dark Elves came and enslaved the city until a combined force of the Nahrso Empire and many Sehan Elves freed the Neomen there.  

1,051 AB and on

During 1,051 AB the The Kariondorian Vigil had made a significant presence there, however, once the Kadian Dominion had signed a trade treaty, the cities often hunt the 'Crusaders', though do not accept the Andorian Church as of yet and do not allow the practice, as many find the mere mention of the merciless faith, to be more than they can swallow.


The Free Cities of Nidoran also became renowned for their dedication to education and the pursuit of knowledge. Scholars, artists, and intellectuals flocked to these cities, drawn by the intellectual atmosphere and the opportunity for collaboration and discovery. Libraries, academies, and artistic institutions were established, fostering a vibrant intellectual community that further propelled the growth and development of the Free Cities.
Founding Date
5,455 BB
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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