She'eros Character in Theras | World Anvil


She'eros is considered to be god of paladins, the crusaders and patron god of Holy State of Aluda'ar   Curiously enough, he is the only non-racial deity to enter both the Morndinsamman and The Seldarine.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The She'erosi, are a diverse group. Traditionally, men and women who champion both good and lawful ideals form the core of his following. They value righteousness, honesty, loyalty, and truth above all else. However, since She'eros' ascension to a Intermediate Power, his influence has begun to attract dwarven and elven adherents who resonate with his message of order and justice.   In these perilous times, where shadows lengthen and danger lurks, the She'erosi stand as beacons of hope and courage. Their unwavering dedication to good serves as a source of inspiration for those who fight for a brighter future.   One of the most distinctive practices within the She'erosi faith is their use of undead creatures. While unorthodox, they believe undead can be directed towards good ends: for self-sacrifice in the name of a noble cause, as eternal guardians bound by the will of a good creature, or even as a form of penance for past sins. This controversial practice sparks debate, but the She'erosi believe that even death can be redeemed in the service of justice.   In the year 1,051 AB, the church of She'eros braved the seas with members of the Pearlwing Armada and went crusading to lands far away, claiming they reached other continents.  
She'eros' temples are not merely places of worship; they are fortified citadels. These imposing structures, often perched atop mountains for strategic advantage, serve as both spiritual sanctuaries and vigilant outposts against evil. Functionality dictates the design of She'eros' temples. Drill yards provide training grounds for She'eros' champions, while soaring towers offer expansive views to keep watch for threats. Living quarters for resident and visiting knights are austere and practical. Worship halls are devoid of excessive ornamentation, reflecting the She'erossi's emphasis on discipline and order. White granite walls, a stark contrast to the surrounding landscape, project an aura of unwavering resolve. Statues of lions, renowned for their courage, and armored figures representing valiant She'erossi knights adorn the grounds. Badges of fallen knights, displayed proudly in high-ceilinged hallways, serve as constant reminders of the sacrifices made in the name of righteousness.    
Clerics of She'eros pray for their spells at dawn.

Tenets of Faith

  • True fulfillment lies in serving a greater good, using your skills and strength to uphold justice and defend the innocent.
  • Every act of dedication to your sworn duty empowers She'eros. Conversely, shirking your responsibilities weakens him. Strive for excellence in all you do.
  • A just society thrives under the principles of law and order. Uphold these principles and work to establish a fair and stable world.
  • Obey those in authority, but do so with discernment. Anticipate their needs and offer well-considered counsel. If an order conflicts with your conscience or a higher law, speak up and suggest alternatives.
  • Corruption is a constant threat. Remain alert to its insidious influence and be prepared to expose it.
  • Root out evil with decisive action. Do not allow wickedness to fester.
  • Betrayal is a heinous crime. Those who turn against the cause of good must face swift and severe punishment.
  • Laws should uphold fairness and justice. If existing laws become unjust, advocate for reform, proposing improvements instead of adding further restrictions.
  • Live a life dedicated to four pillars: faith in She'eros, loyalty to family, service to those in authority, and the defense of all good beings in Theras.


Day of Fallen Stars
On the 10th day of the Gylevail, She'eros' followers observe a somber ceremony known as the Day of Fallen Stars. This day commemorates the immense sacrifice She'eros made when he confronted and destroyed the monstrous draconic deity Garyx. Through his act of selflessness, She'eros secured the safety of Theras, but his sacrifice is never forgotten. This day is marked by prayers, chants, and mournful music, remembering the hero who died to protect his world.    
Dawning of Hope
A stark contrast to the Day of Fallen Stars, the 30th of Jak'shen is a joyous celebration known as the Dawning of Hope. This festival commemorates the anniversary of She'eros' triumphant return to Theras. Following his sacrifice, the desperate pleas of the faithful reached the very Words of Creation, the architects of the world. Moved by their unwavering devotion, the Words of Creation granted a miraculous boon – She'eros was resurrected, allowing him to continue his mission of upholding justice and order. The Dawning of Hope is a day filled with music, feasting, and joyful gatherings, expressing gratitude for She'eros' return and the renewed hope it brought to Theras.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the devastating Gods War, the dragon deity Garyx, embodiment of greed and corruption, descended upon the harbor city in The Kingdom of Aluda'ar. There, he clashed with She'eros, a valiant Idol fighting for good. In a desperate act of self-sacrifice, She'eros absorbed the souls of his devoted followers in Aluda'ar, granting him the power to vanquish Garyx. Though the city mourned the loss of its faithful, their sacrifice secured victory and liberated Rakion from Garyx's malevolent influence. This act of heroism cemented She'eros' status as a legend throughout the continent.   News of She'eros' sacrifice and subsequent resurrection by the Words of Creation, who was 'sponsored' by Bahamut, ignited a wave of devotion. His church experienced a renaissance, attracting new followers and scholars. For fourteen years, the She'erossi faith enjoyed unparalleled popularity across Theras.   However, She'eros' victory came at a terrible cost. To empower himself against Garyx, he required the souls of his entire Aluda'ar congregation. While the sacrifice was necessary, the deaths of innocent civilians, particularly children who couldn't comprehend the situation, weighed heavily on She'eros. He vowed to honor their sacrifice by ensuring their children were cared for, and some of these orphaned youths have grown up within the She'erossi clergy, exhibiting remarkable courage and strength.   In the year 987 AB, Garyx had returned, the people look to the Righteous Wrath and his mortal agents for salvation once again after he laid waste to the cities of Octoland.

Personality Characteristics


Unlike his celestial peers, he ascended from the ranks of mortals, a champion who dedicated his life to a just ruler. He shuns the grandeur often associated with gods, instead embracing a role of service to the common good and upholding the laws established by worthy mortal leaders.   While undeniably powerful, She'eros carries the scars of his mortal past. During the devastating The Gods War, he experienced firsthand the flaws of humanity – hubris, naivety, and ignorance. Tragically, even a god-to-be succumbed to these failings. A period of control by his own corrupted clergy served as a stark reminder of his limitations and ultimately deepened his humility.   She'eros embodies unwavering righteousness and stern opposition to evil. Yet, his spirit softens when encountering his allies, the downtrodden, and the young. He understands vulnerability, having once walked the path of mortals himsel during . This empathy fuels his unwavering commitment to protecting the innocent and upholding the laws that ensure a just society.


Contacts & Relations

She'eros is considered the right hand of wrath of Bahamut, leading many celestial armies to battle with the forces of evil.   She'eros is attributed with uniting the many pantheons in conjunction against evil gods and them working together.
The Righteous Wrath;
The Patron of Paladins;
The Sacrificed King;
The Beacon of Justice;
The Dragon-Slayer;
The Captain of Celestia;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Mount Celestia
Subservient Deities
Duty, loyalty, Leadershiip, obedience, Honor, paladins, self-sacrifice, Nobility, Honorable Combat
Community (Cooperation, Family), Glory, Good (Angel, Archon, Friendship, Redemption), Law (Angel, Archon, IJudgement, Loyalty), Healing (Restoration, Ressurection), Nobility, Protection, Strength (Duels, Tactics), War
A Gauntlet holding a sword and another gauntlet held upright with palm forward
Paladins, heroes, good fighters and warriors, guardians, knights, loyal courtiers, Aluda'arians, Dragonslayers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Duty’s Bond” (greatsword)
Holy Days
Day of Fallen Stars, Dawing of Hope


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