The Liberators of Nobility Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Liberators of Nobility

The Liberators of Nobility, or simply The Freedom is the organziation that Sif created after taking control of the Howlers, and throwing the howlers into turmoil in central and southern Rakion, while the north and their base of operation in The Great State of High-Star had been fully subdued to her control, forcefully.   As of 1,051 AB, after their ongoing inner war with the Howlers, they are facing great diffaculties in the countries that welcomed the Howlers, specifically from Grand Duchy of Albiril and westward and Waleapia, which could have been a close ally of them, chose to accomdate the Howlers instead.   In the south, the situation isn't much better as Kingdom of Arasil took this advantage and recruited the Howlers into their own organization, while still maintaining a close relationship with those who wish to stay howlers.

Public Agenda

Their primary agenda revolves around three core principles:  
Liberation of Slaves
The Liberators of Nobility are dedicated to the cause of freeing individuals held in bondage. They actively work to abolish slavery and ensure that every person is afforded their inherent rights and freedoms. Through various means, including advocacy, rescue missions, and empowerment programs, they strive to dismantle the chains of oppression and create a society where all are treated with dignity.  
Breaking Nobility Hierarchy
The organization challenges the entrenched hierarchy, status, and class system perpetuated by the nobility. They believe that birthright and social standing should not dictate a person's worth or opportunities in life. The Liberators of Nobility seek to dismantle the barriers imposed by the aristocracy, advocating for meritocracy and equal access to resources and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their social background.  
Sacrificing the One for the Many
They hold a controversial perspective on sacrifice. They believe that in order to achieve widespread social change and uplift the marginalized, there may be instances where sacrificing individual privileges, including their own, becomes necessary. They view this sacrifice as a means to create a more equitable and just society, where the collective well-being takes precedence over individual interests.
Founding Date
1,050 AB


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