Theras Terrorist attacks in Vokkmist

Terrorist attacks in Vokkmist

Military action


In the night of Ernius 15, 1,051 AB, the Morning Stars, disguised had contacted insurgents of the Old Kyth Order and used 100 vials in order to help them facilitate chaos and enabling the Morning Stars to enter the armory in order to free their two captured friends: Reid and Fridrikh.

In the night of Ernius 15, 1,051 AB, the Morning Stars, disguised had contacted insurgents of the Old Kyth Order and used 100 vials in order to help them facilitate chaos and enabling the Morning Stars to enter the armory in order to free their two captured friends: Reid and Fridrikh.   This act of Insurgency was a critical move against the Might of the Holy Pact as they used that as a staging ground in the city after the Capture of the Panoply of Saint Verona by Khar forces. Thus, the military had diverted more resources to their backlines in order to deal with this magical attack that transformed 91 soldiers and 5 civilian children to monstrocities, including trolls, magical beasts and attacked the city.

Related Location
Vokkmist Cliffs
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