Avandra Character in Theras | World Anvil


Avandra champions freedom, travel, trade, and adventure across the lands. Her will heralds open frontiers, and her call beckons her followers to discover that which awaits them beyond the known. There are few urban temples dedicated to the Change Bringer, but her shrines are often found along well-traveled roads and off the beaten path.   The Goddess Avandra, was but an echo in the past, only to be a myth over the years. However, when Fortuna was destroyed by her sister Baisha. the Goddess Avandra took all powers that she left after harnessing the power of luck by the 66 AB.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Avandra is the goddess of travel and journeys, and there are few who traverse the roads who wouldn't spare her a prayer or a simple-worded plea for benediction. Scouts, sailors, and those who travel for travel's sake make up a large number of her followers, though her focus on luck also makes her a favorite deity among gamblers and thieves. Whatever their calling, followers of the Song of Spheres search the world for new experiences, and try to live their life to the fullest.   Commonly consisting of adventurers and others who relied on a mixture of luck and skill to achieve their goals, the Avandrian clergy encouraged folk to pursue their dreams. Members of Avandrian faith believed that one should be bold and trust in one's own luck. Priests of Avandra were taught to think of themselves as their own masters and to be brave enough to accept both good and bad fortune, as a trust in their goddess and in themselves. They were also duty-bound to aid the daring by providing healing and even some minor magic items.   Her worship is common among merchants, free spirits, and adventurers, and tavern cheers celebrate her as a bringer of luck and fortune. Avandra calls no domain in the planes her residence, instead eternally wandering through the Outer Planes where serenity can be found, distantly watching over the potential of mortals. Considered the bringer of luck and fortune, she is worshipped by various merchants, adventurer’s and gamblers, and is celebrated on the first day of the New Year.  
Shrines and temples of Avandra were as widespread as the needs of adventurers to be healed, which made the temples wealthy. These places of worship often differed significantly from each other in powers, manners, and titles though, with little overall authority or hierarchy. They were independent from each other, and each temple reflected the tastes of its high priestess or priest. The temples provided potions, scrolls, or other little things like glowstones, often as rewards to those who served Avandra and her tenets well. However, despite their differences, most of the Avandrian temples shared some traditions. The Church of Avandra didn't discriminate, and saw all races and sexes as equal in the eyes of the changebringer. However, in practice, most exalted ranks of the priesthood consisted of Human women.   The informal clergy of Avandra is primarily composed of clerics, though on occasion bards are called by some song or whisper in the night to follow her path.      

Priestly Vestments

Her clergy usually garb themselves in white robes with Navy trim and silk caps, highlighted by varied decorative elements (especially among priests of high status), and usually accompanied by one or more starknives.

Tenets of Faith

Luck favors the bold. Your fate is your own to grasp, and to do so is to have the Change Bringer behind you. Change is inevitable. The righteous can ensure that such change is for the better. Rise against tyranny. Fight for the freedom of yourself and others when you can, and inspire others to fight when you cannot. Chase your own unique goals and the lady aids the chase. Without direction or goals, you soon know the embrace of Baisha, for those on no set course, are at the mercy of Misofortune, which has no mercy at all.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Change Bringer is often depicted as a young woman of dark complexion and long, light brown hair that cascades to form the road left behind her. Most art shows her in constant motion, ever leading into the unknown. Her symbol is most often seen as a disk of copper or brass that could be as large as plate, or as small as a locket, with an image of women with long flowing hair. But at times, records suggests she may appear to a follower as either a Horse, Mountain Lion, or an Eagle of gold depending on the time of need.

Special abilities

When Avandra manifested as an avatar her voice could carry for more than a 100 miles. Any game based on chance would be won by ridiculously improbable odds if played within a hundred yards of her avatar. She was capable of sensing acts of good fortune as soon as they happened. Beings of her faith would also receive small magic resistance. She could also change between bird and human forms at will. The shift required roughly 6 seconds.   Avandra was immune to all illusions, charm spells, priest spells from numbers spheres, thought spheres, chaos spheres, law spheres, and time spheres. Any wild magic wizard spells cast near Avandra would twist and aid her or her allies. If Avandra was unaffected by a magical spell, the spell was turned back on the caster with full effect. Any form of spells or powers that were used to control her will or dominate her mind were instantly nullified.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avandra and the halflings

According to Halfling legend, Yondalla created the halflings together, giving the race a love of nature and the gift of stealth. When their people were enslaved by many goblinoid and orcs, Yondalla wasn't powerful enough to stop the onslaught and looking after the race, or so the legends go, and halflings made their own way in the world. They say Avandra, the god of luck, admired their resourcefulness and adopted them, favoring them with good fortune. Not all halflings worship Avandra, but nearly all breathe a prayer of thanks to her when fortune favors them.  

Avandra and the first doppelganger

When the world was young, Avandra was deeply involved in the lives of its creatures. She delighted in making their lives better. One mortal who was the object of Avandra's favor was a beautiful woman who was pursued by a cruel suitor. This suitor set his servants on her like hunting dogs. Two times Avandra helped the woman to flee or fight by changing her luck, and each time the woman praised Avandra after her escape.   The third time the woman was threatened, Avandra gifted her with the power to change her form so that she could save herself from any future threat. The woman used her power to become an assassin, killing her suitor and all who served him. When Avandra sought her out to rebuke her, the woman used her power to hide from the goddess. By the time Avandra found the woman, her children's children had given birth to many more offspring, all having the power to change shape. The goddess's gift, once given, could not be taken away. Thus the race of doppelgangers and their descendants, the changelings, were born.   From that episode Avandra learned a bitter lesson about being overly generous to mortals. Ever since then, she has been careful to help mortals only in small ways, often hiding her hand. By allowing mortals to face their own problems, Avandra provides them with the chance to discover their full potential.   This theory goes well with the hypothesis that Corellon Larethien was agendered being, choosing to be many things at all times and finally, outside the Sedarine, achieving this freedom.  

The Divine Compromises

When the Gods had won the war against the primordials, they fought among themselves for dominion over various aspects of the natural world. Nyx contested with Ixtaar over mastery of the sky, for the sun banished darkness. Ixtaar in turn fought with Morana, whose icy mists and snows blocked the life-giving rays of the sun. Each of Ixtaar's opponents gathered allies, and Ixtaar had allies of his own. On one side stood Corellon, Morana, Nyx, and Sehanine, while on the other stood Ixtaar, Moradin, and Melora. The two forces argued for ages to no avail, leaving hurts and grudges that linger still.   At last Avandra parlayed between the two factions. To settle the argument between Ixtaar and Nyx, she offered day and night. As a compromise between Morana and Ixtaar, she proposed alternating seasons of summer and winter. The gods, weary of their quarrels, agreed. Ixtaar abides faithfully by his agreement with Morana, but from time to time Ixtaar seeks to shadow the sun during daytime with an eclipse. Morana isa subservient deity to the Raven Queen-who holds sway over winter now-honors the ancient pact. Yet she also tests Ixtaar's resolve, seeking to end summers early and delaying springs as long as she can. In this way, autumn snows and spring thaws can come early or late.
The Change bringer;
The Change bearer;
She who makes the path;
The Smiling Lady;
The Everchanging Goddess;
Our Lady of Joy;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Corellon Larethien,
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Aelis of Waleapia, Brandobaris, Vergadain
Trade, Commerce, Luck, Change, Freedom, Gambling
Messages, Merchant, Joy, Festivals, Trade Organizations, Guilds, Contracts, Travel
Community (Cooperation) Good, Luck, Magic (Alchemy), Liberation, Rune (Langauge), Travel, Trickery
Woman's profile embossed on a gold coin or pendant
Merchants, Adventurers, Gamblers, Travelers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Whirlwind (heavy flail)
Holy Days
New Dawn


The Fellows of Free Fate, have dedicated themselves to countering the efforts of Baisha and her assassins.


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