Order of the Platinum Lion Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Order of the Platinum Lion

... In there I saw him, the knight's steely gaze and fierce determination left no doubt in anyone's mind that he was a force to be reckoned with - a force that the celestial powers accompanied and abided his every word... his will done.
  Order of the Platinum Lion or Prideless Lion, is the order Supreme order of the knighthood of the The Silver Chalice.   The Number of the knights are by the hunderds and each knights is sometimes tasked with the mission to accompany a member of the Robes of the Platinum Conclave and work jointly in their endeavors.   They are usually chosen and champions of the gods of good and are the supreme commanders of many acres of mile on every aspect, though they choose not to exercise their power and authority.


In order to become a Leo, there is a requirement to be a knight of the Order of the Golden Swan and receive recommendation from the Seekers of the Golden Dragon. This process usually takes between 3-10 years. However, there were occasions in history, where a cleric or a high member of the good gods of the Narsilian Pantheon, had declared that he is to become a knight of the Order of the Platinum Lion. It should be noted that the The Ironscale Conclave can object to such nomination as they are truly the governing body of this prestigious order.   The Ceremony of becoming a knight of the Order of the Platinum Knight, is usually held as a very private ceremony, not to be shine out and to draw the attention of all. They are announced at the yearly tournament, or festival or any other occasion, just for notifying as Pride is considered to be something that knight of the Platinum knight should not exhibit.   Just as the other orders , they are required to recite the Oath of Edrahil
Founding Date
268 AB
Ruling Organization
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