Verdant Sentinels Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Verdant Sentinels

The Verdant Sentinels are special regiments that are composed (though not necessarily in one regiment) of Dryads, Giant Eagles, Several Bulettes, Assassin Vines and Many Treants. Some Intelligence reports say that they are even Leprechauns, Sprites (Or Pixies), Swan maidens, Hoar Fox, Unicorns and in the rare occasion, Nymphs.  


In The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor, the Verdant Sentinels are revered as the ultimate guardians of the forest. Their skill and bravery are admired by all, and they are seen as a symbol of the unity between the wood elves and the other magical creatures of the forest. Their presence is believed to bring prosperity and safety to the kingdom, and their allies trust them implicitly, knowing that they will do whatever it takes to protect the woodlands and its inhabitants. Outside the kingdom, they are often considered mysterious and elusive, with stories and legends spreading about their prowess in battle and their deep connection to the forest's magic. Many neighboring kingdoms view them with awe and respect, and some even fear the wrath of the Verdant Sentinels should they threaten the sacred woodlands.



The Verdant Sentinels operate as the first line of defense for their wood elven kingdom on behest of the Fey. They patrol the borders and keep a watchful eye on any potential threats. When necessary, they launch preemptive strikes on enemy forces, disrupting their plans and maintaining the security of their homeland. They are also called upon to aid neighboring regions, forging alliances with other woodland creatures to ensure the harmony and protection of the entire forest.  


The Verdant Sentinels possess a wide range of abilities. Their coordination with their forest allies allows them to move swiftly and silently through the dense woods. The treants provide formidable physical strength and resilience, while the nymphs and leprechauns lend their enchantments to bolster their comrades' abilities and protect them from harm.


Members of the Verdant Sentinels undergo extensive training in both combat and coordination with their forest companions. Dryads teach them the ways of the woods, honing their archery and forest survival skills. Giant eagles and sprites train them in aerial combat and scouting, while the treants and bulettes teach them to harness their inner strength and wield nature's power.


The Verdant Sentinels were formed in response to a dire threat that once endangered The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor and the Fey that dwelt there. The various woodland creatures recognized the need to unite their strengths and form a formidable force to defend their home. They came together under the guidance of the wood elven leaders and the Queen of Sun and Shadows, forging a bond between the different species and fostering a strong sense of unity and purpose.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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