Halfling Pantheon Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Halfling Pantheon

The Halfling pantheon is normally small to each Halfling, though in total it has many gods representing villages, forests, rivers, lakes, beloved ancestors, and so on. Led by Yondala, goddess of protection, wisdom, and fertility, Halflings often refer to both themselves and their pantheon as "Yondalla's Children". As evidenced by the number of gods they have versus the number each individual actively worships, Halflings view religion as a very personal matter, As such Halflings have a number of different creation myths they believe, some even believing Yondalla merely discovered the Halfling race and adopted them as her own.
To add somewhat to the obstruction in studying Halfling worship, more than one deity will often have rulership over an area in Halfling life, underlining the unity of this pantheon and those who worship it. The pantheon concerns itself primarily with spheres of home, friendship, trust, plants, agriculture, and nature. Halflings have no deities of evil alignment, nor ones representing war, suffering, fire or water, violent death, strife, and (interestingly) none representing craftsmanship. Halfling deities of arcane, mystical, and occult tendencies are distinctly thin on this ground.
  • Brandobaris The Irrepressible Scamp, Master of Stealth.
  • Cyrrollalee The Hand of Fellowship, The Hearthkeeper, The Faithful.
  • Sheela Peryroyl Green Sister, the Wise, Watchful Mother.
  • Urogalan, He Who Must Be, the Black Hound.
  • Yondalla The Protector and Provider, The Nurturing Matriarch, The Blessed One.
Dead Members
  • Arvoreen, The Defender, The Vigilant Guardian, The Wary Sword - died in Coppernium 1,051 AB
    The pantheon is not one of power in respect to other pantheon, however, the small folk, are not opposing others in their daily lives. As Such, THe Halfling Pantheon allied itself before with the Menedynn and then after Menedynn fall, with other humannoid pantheons of good nature mostly.
by Vince Locke
The Halfling Pantheon: Arvoreen, Brandobaris, Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, Urogalan, and Yondalla.

The Halfling Pantheon

Basic Information

Yondalla's Children
Base of Operations


Religious, Pantheon

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