Cyrrollalee Character in Theras | World Anvil

Cyrrollalee (see-oh-lah-lee)

Cyrrollalee is the hearthkeeper, overseer and stewardess of Halflings' home.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Cyrrollalee's faith remains relatively obscure beyond Halfling communities, yet her teachings and the endeavors of her priesthood significantly contribute to the revered Halfling way of life.   Within Halfling society, Cyrrollalee garners quiet appreciation from all and reverence from those dedicated to building homes and families. Many invocations to her involve mundane daily rituals, underscoring a steadfast foundation of faithful devotion.   Her clerics guide Halfling communities, embodying the virtues of friendship and goodwill. They serve as guardians of the home, defending against external threats and nurturing the familial ties among residents.    
The New way
Cyrrollalee's faith has recently branched into two distinct paths. The conservative faction adheres to her traditional values of hearth, home, and community, while modern churches embrace her endeavors to expand and seek new homelands.   Cyrrollalee's shifted perspective has expanded her followers' ranks, transforming her from a passive deity honored in name only by all Halflings, to a symbol of Halfling pride and a beacon for those seeking a better future for themselves and their kin. Her clergy, known as home fellows, lead Halfling communities, embodying virtues of friendship and goodwill, while establishing temples that serve as havens for introspection and communal gatherings. While the majority of modern clergy focus on seeking suitable Halfling homelands, home fellows advocate for fostering strong, respectful relationships with other benevolent races. Due to their frequent journeys to distant lands, lightfoot Halflings, with their innate wanderlust, predominate among Cyrrollalee's clergy.   Those who choose to stay rooted in their communities, typically older halflings who face significant physical risks in travel and exploration, are known as hearthtenders and are universally respected within Halfling society. While the church doesn't observe official holidays, Cyrrollalee herself has designated the upcoming Day of Discovery as a universal celebration for all Halflings. The anticipated discovery of a new land remains uncertain in timing, yet many believe it will occur within their lifetimes. This sought-after Halfling homeland is not seen as a point of racial origin, as various archaeological findings support multiple claims, but rather as a place where all branches of the Halfling race can unite in harmony and progress. While the church's credibility has suffered in Frithfrod, whose inhabitants believe they already reside in such a place, Cyrrollalee maintains that the search must continue.  
Novices under Cyrrollalee's guidance are referred to as the Befriended, while full priests of the Hand of Fellowship are honored with the title Homefellows. Advancing in rank, Cyrrollaleen priests bear titles such as Cheery Homemaker, Hearth Warden, Hand of Friendship, and Hale Host or Hostess, among others. At the highest echelons, each distinguished priest holds a unique title, while specialty priests are recognized as Homesteaders.  
Cyrrollalee's places of worship function as both temples and sanctuaries for the surrounding Halfling community, offering guest rooms and well-equipped kitchens for those in need. These temple-homes blend seamlessly into their surroundings, with little to distinguish them from neighboring structures. A notable feature of any temple devoted to the Hearthkeeper is that its door remains open whenever a priest is present, ensuring that any Halfling seeking shelter for the night is warmly welcomed. Along major trade routes, Cyrrollaleen churches serve as informal Halfling hostels, providing refuge to travelers in need.  
The ceremonial attire of Cyrrollalee's priesthood reflects the humble lifestyle of Halfling peasants, eschewing lavish adornments. Homefellows typically don simple brown habits cinched with a deep golden or muted green sash, and opt to leave their heads and feet uncovered. Their sacred emblem is a carved wooden acorn, often worn around the neck on a leather cord.   In times of adventure or safeguarding their homes, clerics don the finest available armor, often leather or padded attire. With no specific weapon affiliation, Cyrrollalee's adherents commonly wield weapons found in Halfling village militias, such as clubs, staves, slings, and staff-slings. For travel, priests may opt for short swords as part of their armament.  
Homefellows pray for spells in the morning, as they welcome the sun of a new day. Worship services for Cyrrollalee are held on the first day of each month, known in Halfling communities as Hearthday. Devout halflings gather in the home of one of their fellow parishioners, rotating to a different dwelling in the local community each month. The Hand of Fellowship asks for nothing in the way of propitiation aside from simple prayers requesting her blessing. Friendship among her worshipers is considered the highest praise one can raise to her name.  
Within contemporary Cyrrollaleen congregations, a new initiative called the Hearthfinders has emerged to bolster Cyrrollalee's expansion endeavors. Guided by the elders of the Hearthkeeper's faith, these small groups of scouts are dispatched to identify promising regions for potential colonization.

Tenets of Faith

  • Cultivate generosity in friendship, embracing all companions into the warmth of your trust and abode.
  • Honor the sacred bonds of hospitality, never breaching the trust of a host, forsaking an oath, or trespassing upon the sanctity of another's dwelling.
  • Anticipate the Day of Discovery, a time when all Halflings unite in pursuit of a new homeland founded upon principles of dignity, camaraderie, and affection.
  • Always provide Claiming Sanctuary.


Cyrrollalee's holy days are the first day of any month, and services are generally held in the home. Monthly prayer rituals are devoted to her. Many invocations of her are day-to-day minor oaths and fussing by busy halflings.

Personality Characteristics


She fosters a sense of camaraderie among her followers, always prioritizing the safety of each halfling's dwelling. Recently, however, her conception of "home" has evolved beyond the literal, embracing a metaphorical interpretation. Scholars have long touted the halflings as a burgeoning race, poised for cultural and political advancement. Cyrrollalee concurs, advocating that the halflings' time has arrived, and asserting that to attain their rightful place of esteem, they require new territories beyond their habitats. Naturally, Cyrrollalee would safeguard such homelands, with her clergy spearheading missionary endeavors across Theras to identify suitable locations and rally all halflings to this cause.   The open door depicted in Cyrrollalee's holy symbol now transcends its original meaning, symbolizing an invitation extended to halflings from across Theras to partake in the journey toward their race's promising future


Contacts & Relations

Known as the Hand of Fellowship, she maintains cordial relationships with several gods from both the Halfling Pantheon and others. However, she holds animosity towards evil deities such as Abbathor, Khaziba, and Bane. Her Supreme deity is Yondalla.   Cyrrollalee maintains amiable relations with her entire pantheon and with nearly every benevolent deity in Theras. Occasionally, she assumes the role of ambassador for Yondalla's Children when disputes arise with other pantheons. She holds a mild disappointment towards Brandobaris, perceiving his lighthearted pursuits and adventures as distractions from the Halfling people's potential. Any deity hindering the hin's destiny becomes her sworn adversary, although fortunately, most malevolent deities in Theras have either overlooked her recent realization or opted to disregard it entirely.
The Hand of Fellowship;
The Hearthkeeper;
The Faithful;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power, Aspect of Soryna
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Friendship, Trust, the Hearth, Hospitality, Crafts
Community, Good, Halfling, Law (Archon, Judgement, Legislation)
Open Door
Artisans, cooks, guards, halflings, hosts, innkeepers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Camaradestave" (club, wielded like a quarterstaff)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

Cyrrollalee is worshiped by ordinary halflings, but especially homeowners and those interested in crafts such as textiles. Her followers, while not inherently malevolent, typically adhere to lawful conduct, even if not explicitly virtuous. The majority of her devotees consist of female clerics and mystics.


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