Arvoreen Character in Theras | World Anvil

Arvoreen (ARR-voh-reen)

Arvoreen, is the closest the halflings had to a war god, but he is actaully the halfling pantheon's deity of defense, guardians and watchers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Arvoreenan, comprising resolute halflings and a faction of reclusive halflings, hold firm beliefs in military discipline, rigorous training, and the construction of traps, signal beacons, and fortifications. Their places of worship take the form of specially fortified keeps. This distinctive blend of practices, coupled with the belief that threats to the Halfling community primarily stemmed from cultural integration with other societies, has led to their limited appeal among Lightfoot Halfling, who generally kept their distance except in times of conflict.  
Day-to-Day Activities
The adherents of Arvoreen imparts lessons in swordsmanship to the youth, focusing particularly on the deity's favored weapon, the short sword. The clergy commence their day with prayers at dawn, prior to embarking on patrol duties. Additionally, if circumstances allow, they offer prayers before engaging in battle, reciting the Battle Hymn of the Keepers—an oral tradition celebrating centuries-old Halfling military triumphs.   The clergy's attire comprise silver-hued chain mail and helmets, complemented by dark blue tabards adorned with the deity's holy symbol. They also don amulets featuring a miniature silver buckler.   Initiates within the church are known as "Shieldbearers" and the hierarchical progression is structured as follows: Shieldbearer, Warder, Guardian, Defender, Protector, Magistrate, Sheriff, Marshal (attaining full priesthood), and High Marshal.

Tenets of Faith

  • Maintain constant vigilance to safeguard the community against potential threats.
  • Engage in rigorous training and active defense preparations without relent, leaving no room for vulnerability.
  • Act swiftly to neutralize any looming danger before it escalates.
  • Forge alliances, even with unconventional partners, to strengthen collective defense.
  • While theft from fellow halflings or allies is strictly prohibited, utilizing thievery against adversaries to enhance combat advantages is deemed acceptable.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The embodiment of Arvoreen manifests as a youthful, robust halfling adorned in light attire and chain mail. His armaments vary from dual short swords to a combination of short sword and shield. He is consistently accompanied by a Keeper, and occasionally joins his devotees on patrol duties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

On 28 Coppernium, 1051 AB, Arvoreen was silent and his realm was vanquished by many forces from the Far-Realm, aided by creatures from Limbo and thus, had ceased as existing as an Aspect of Imon.

Personality Characteristics


Arvoreen advocates stringent vigilance and proactive defense, but solely in response to aggression. He condemns initiating conflicts unless necessary to halt malevolent deeds. Arvoreen refrains from instigating hostilities and does not consider thievery dishonorable when directed against adversaries. However, stealing from fellow halflings or their allies is strictly forbidden.


Contacts & Relations

The Defender's adversaries consist of malevolent deities such as Bane, the patrons of destruction, and the Goblinoid Pantheon. His strongest allies encompass the entirety of the Halfling Pantheon, with particular emphasis on Yondalla, Cyrrollalee, and Urogalan. However, he holds disapproval towards the conduct of Brandobaris.
The Defender;
The Vigilant Guardian;
The Wary Sword;
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Mount Celestia
Subservient Deities
Defense, War, Vigilance, Halfling Warriors, Duty
Good (Archon) , Halfling, Law (Angel, Archon, Loyalty), Protection, War (Duels, Tactics)
Two crossed short swords
Halflings, fighters, paladins, rangers, soldiers, warriors
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Aegisheart (short sword)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

When a commander marches to the battlefield, seldom does he regard halflings as his most prized assets. The natural inclination of halflings towards wanderlust leaves them with little tolerance for the lengthy marches and tedious waiting between battles that characterize conventional warfare. However, in times of peril threatening a halfling community, inhabitants turn to Arvoreen in prayer. His followers adhere to a creed of guardianship, steadfast defense, and vigilant preparedness. Arvoreen remains vigilant of the dangers confronting halfling settlements but prefers a responsive approach over proactive intervention. When adversaries strike, his halfling devotees retaliate with precision and decisiveness, utilizing reconnaissance missions into enemy territories and maintaining a rigorous martial training regimen that borders on unconventional for halflings. This ethos endears him to kindred strongheart halflings, and although lightfoot halflings value his protection, few hasten to join his clergy.  


During the conflicts of the Bafigorn Empires, a chivalric order emerged known as the Guardians of Arvoreen. Their formation coincided with the need to safeguard the eastern frontiers against numerous monstrous threats.


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