Yondalla Character in Theras | World Anvil

Yondalla (yon-dah-lah)

Yondalla, the revered matriarch of the Halfling Language, is believed to have sculpted the Halfling race in her own likeness. Renowned for her amiable disposition, she embodies the traits of curiosity, loyalty, and mischief cherished by her kin. As the guardian deity, Yondalla shields her people from malevolent forces and safeguards their homes and livelihoods, instilling in them resilience and fortitude. Revered as a provider, she governs over fertility, nurturing life and fostering abundance in the natural world, albeit exercising her powers judiciously and sparingly beyond her own realm.
  Her sacred symbol is the dove.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Yondalla bestows her favor upon those who lend aid, show kindness to others, and honor the departed. She disapproves of sacrifices and violence against fellow Halflings.   The reverence for the Nurturing Matriarch permeates nearly every facet of Halfling society to such an extent that the notion of formal worship services held in her honor every Asora is met with amused dismissal by the Hobbits. This isn't to imply a theocratic culture among the Halflings, but rather to highlight that Yondalla, and her clergy by extension, exemplify the virtues that Halflings should embrace for a fulfilling life and to contribute positively to their community. These values, conveyed through stories passed down to all Halflings from childhood, include acceptance, community, love, joy, inquisitiveness, loyalty, diplomacy, tradition, and a mischievous spirit. The fact that many clergy members also serve as community leaders further solidifies the influence of Yondalla's principles on Halfling society. It should be mentioned that only a select few with a martial inclination may choose to become paladins.  
Priestly Vestments
Members of Yondalla's clergy attire themselves in flowing garments of green and brown, accented by a saffron-hued overcloak, with heads left uncovered. Priests typically opt for long hair, often dyed a golden blonde shade if their natural color does not match. Adorned with the emblem of the goddess—a cornucopia—Yondallan priests commonly carry shields made of wood. The sacred symbol of their faith takes the form of an animal horn, although in Frithfrod, it features a wheat stalk intersecting a silver tree, representing the meadows and forests.   In anticipation of conflict, Yondallan priests equip themselves with the finest armor obtainable, always ensuring they bear a shield adorned with the cornucopia emblem of their deity. Their weapon preferences encompass a variety, including short swords, hand axes, slings, short bows, spears, small lances, hammers, and morningstars.  
The structure of Yondalla's religious organization is minimal, reflecting the scarcity of Yondallan clerics within Halfling communities. However, when hierarchy is required, novices of Yondalla are referred to as the Blessed Children, while full priests of the Protector and Provider hold the title of Revered Councilors. In ascending order of authority, Yondallan priests bear titles such as Blessed Sister/Brother, Sacred Guardian, Revered Nurturer, Blessed Mother/Father, Eminent Prodigal, Meteor Warden, Hallowed Provider, and Exalted Protector. Those in high-ranking positions often hold unique titles.  
Yondalla's temples are notably scarce, despite the widespread reverence she enjoys among halflings. The Protector and Provider is primarily honored in modest shrines and within households, with her formal places of worship often resembling little more than the abode of the local priest or priestess. In the rare halfling communities where Yondalla's churches do exist, they are typically carved into earthen hillsides, bearing a striking resemblance to halfling burrows. Despite seamlessly blending into their surroundings, these temples function as fortified strongholds, equipped with weaponry and provisions to enable the community's halflings to withstand invaders indefinitely. Within these sanctuaries, one can find gardens, armories, reservoirs, granaries, as well as chapels, living quarters for the resident clergy, and natural springs.  
Clerics of the Protector and Provider pray for spells in the morning.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the way of abundance and be blessed with prosperity beyond measure. Cultivate peace and contentment, for therein lies true wealth.
  • While shunning violence, find solace in the Protector's shield, which safeguards those who defend their homes and communities with unwavering resolve.
  • Lead by example and understand the needs of those under your guidance, offering support in times of adversity.
  • Cherish your family, honoring your parents who bestowed life upon you and nurturing your children who embody the promise of tomorrow.
  • Extend compassion to the elderly and the vulnerable, recognizing that strength may falter and the mighty may one day rely on the kindness of others.


Halflings observe Safeday, the fifth day of each Asora, as a day of worship dedicated to Yondalla, the Provider. On this day, known for its restful and joyful atmosphere, families gather in their homes to offer gratitude for the goddess's blessings. Local clergy of Yondalla visit each household, leading brief devotions and sharing blessings.   As the day progresses, families prepare a feast using the offerings made earlier. Joined by local priests or lay representatives, they dine together, sharing laughter and stories. In the afternoon, the community congregates in the central square, led by the highest-ranking priest or a devout member. They embark on a symbolic walk around the settlement, symbolizing Yondalla's protective embrace.   These walks, more festive than solemn, involve friendly competitions and gentle reminders of the goddess's abundant gifts. Upon returning, the community gathers for a communal dinner, where elders recount traditional tales. These festivities, extending late into the night, strengthen communal bonds.   Unlike ceremonies of other races, Safeday welcomes allies and strangers, who are discreetly observed. They are invited to contribute and partake in the festivities and merriment, fostering a spirit of inclusivity and community.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Yondalla embodies the image of a resolute female Halfling with vibrant red-golden hair, exuding determination and pride. She is clad in hues of green, yellow, and brown, often seen wielding a shield. Among halflings, she is revered in two distinct aspects: the Provider and the Protector.   In her role as the Provider, Yondalla is revered as a deity of fertility, youth, and growth. She possesses the power to bestow fertility upon barren lands and accelerate the growth of flora and fauna at will. Conversely, she holds the ability to render fertile lands barren, though such actions are seldom undertaken lightly.   As the Protector, Yondalla shields her followers from malevolent forces and empowers them with the resolve to defend themselves. In this aspect, she predominantly employs her skills as an illusionist to safeguard her worshippers from harm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and Legends

Tales recounting the origin of the Halfling race abound, offering diverse narratives, among them:  
According to some legends, she directly births the Halflings, while others depict her crafting them from various natural elements or integrating admired traits from other races. In one rendition, she blends attributes from the fey, dwarves, elves, humans, and even orcs, imbuing them with agility, familial devotion, patience, boldness, and adaptability.  
The Story of Littleman
At the dawn of creation, Yondalla received little recognition among the gods, lacking a race to call her own. Her inquiry into the greatest among them during a divine assembly led to such discord that she was expelled from their councils. Thus ousted, Yondalla traversed the Material Plane until she encountered Littleman by a riverbank after a significant passage of time. Littleman possessed qualities ideal for Yondalla's purpose: wit, bravery, kindness, mischief, and modest stature.   Some versions suggest he was a solitary, melancholic Sylvan creature, perhaps a brownie, whom Yondalla transformed into the first Halfling. Alternatively, accounts depict Littleman as an existing Halfling whom Yondalla embraced as her own.
Yondalla offered him and his kin protection against adversaries and promised fertility and abundance. Littleman accepted, sealing the covenant between Yondalla and her people. Renowned as a cultural hero, Littleman imparted invaluable skills and the essence of Halfling culture to his brethren, whether they existed prior to Yondalla's intervention or were created by her.    
The Green Fields
Yondalla employed a mix of charm, cunning, and diplomacy to secure fertile lands for the Halflings' settlements. She praised Moradin's craftsmanship in metalwork, diverting his attention with tales of precious metals. Negotiating with Corellon Larethien over verdant spaces, she ultimately agreed to divide the territories, with Corellon's kin claiming the forests and hers, the grasslands. By extolling the diversity and adaptability of the Human gods, she persuaded them to forego any exclusive claim over particular terrain types. As for the orcs, well, Gruumsh's reaction is a tale unto itself.   In an alternate rendition of the tale, the other gods uncover Yondalla's appropriation of elements from their races to fashion the Halflings and demand retribution. Employing her flattery and cunning, Yondalla assuages their anger, leading them to permit her and her Halflings to exist. However, the Halflings are to have no sovereign nations, and Yondalla must purge her thieving inclinations from her essence.  
Concerning Hobbits
Is a new theory, originated by Cáel, he explore different origins. Some say that Cáel managed to meet Yondalla and shared in her light.

Personality Characteristics


Yondalla embodies the values of unity, cooperation, and resilience among her people, advocating for peaceful coexistence with other races and steadfast defense against adversaries. Her paramount desire is the safety and prosperity of all Halflings, promoting kindness, prosperity, and fulfillment in their lives. Though gentle and patient by nature, Yondalla exhibits unwavering courage and strength when the well-being of her followers is threatened, earning admiration even from more martial deities. Committed to safeguarding her virtuous creation, she employs all honorable means to nurture and shield the Halfling race.


Contacts & Relations

Yondalla's esteemed allies encompass Bahamut, Berronar Truesilver, Corellon Larethian, Garl Glittergold, and Moradin. She holds deep affection and respect for her fellow Halfling deities, often referred to as "Yondalla's Children", which include Arvoreen, Brandobaris, Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, and Urogalan.   Conversely, she holds disdain for certain malevolent deities such as Bane, Khaziba, Ella'li, Talos, Menas, and Merabyss. Among her adversaries are the Goblinoid Pantheon and Urdlen.
The Protector and Provider;
The Nurturing Matriarch;
The Blessed One;
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Hiatea, Thea
Home Plane
Mount Celestia
Subservient Deities
Sheela Peryroyl
Community, Halflings, Tradition
Protection, bounty, children, security, leadership, wisdom, creation, family
Community, Good, Halfling, Law (Archon, Inevitable, Judgement, Legislation, Loyalty), Liberation (Freedom, Self-Realization), Luck (Fate, Imagination), Protection
Cornucopia on a shield
Children, halflings, leaders, paladins, parents
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Hornblade” (short sword)
Holy Days


Yondalla commands a unique group of priests known as The Roaming Guardians. Comprised of wanderlust-afflicted clergy, they yearn to explore the realms far and wide. Refusing to remain rooted in any single location for extended periods, they offer their protection to Halfling communities in need, appearing wherever their aid is required.


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