Theras The Cleft in the Mountains

The Cleft in the Mountains

Political event


The Cleft in the Mountains, also known as the Clanless Rebellion, was a significant event in the history of the dwarves of Khazad-Ram. The Cleft was a deep fissure that opened up in the middle of Khazad-Ram.

The rebellion was caused by the growing discontent among the clanless dwarves, who were the lowest caste in dwarven society and were denied many basic rights and privileges. The Stonebreaker Clans, who were often forced to live in squalor and poverty in the ghettos of many towns and cities, began to demand greater rights and representation in the Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm, the dwarven political body that governed Khazad-Ram.   The tensions between the clanless and the other castes eventually boiled over, and the Cleft opened up, separating the city into two halves. The rebellion led to a civil war that lasted for years, as the clanless and their allies fought against the other dwarven castes for control of Khazad-Ram. The conflict ultimately ended with the clanless emerging victorious and being granted full citizenship and formed their own clans and having insured that the future clanless will be given representation, after the deliberation of the Zana betag, who is the divine voice of the Morndinsamman.

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