Morning Stars Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Morning Stars

The Morning Stars, formerly known as Six of the Hill is an adventuring party that was formed in the Hill of the Buried Horse in Keatis. The Party unwittingly freed a demon, Knucklavee, from his prison, thus unleashing a new terror onto Rakion and maybe the world.
originally the unnamed party consisted of six members - the revenant an elf ranger , bloodmoon a human shaman , Sif an elf wizard , dustren an elf cleric , and reid a half orc barbarian. the party was given its name later on after the 6th member joined - jattad ibnatourmu a tiefling (pretending to be a tabaxi ) druid.
in their later adventures they went on to rampin , on the quest of two members reid and dustren who said they have some buisness there with a cult of wererats. arriving there they encountered the appointed sword for hire in charge of the city's defences and affairs - velhis. a well known aasimar former paladin. after entering the sewers in order to defeat the cult and stop them from killing and sacrificing the citizens of rampin , some hard battles ensued. reid almost died and a trusted ally named storag - a brave mimic and companion to a duerger perished. the party and the cult both suffered some heavy casualties and so the party decided to leave the town because of fear of failure despite the mayhem and brutal murder happening in the city.
after exiting the sewers the party ran into the old tribe of their barbarian reid. the matriarch of the tribe demanded reid to join them back and leave the party. reid refused and asked to fight a duel against the tribe champion lorrick. with magical help from his friends and some cunning fighting reid won the duel , earning his independence. the party then decided to go and train in the adventuring academy jattad was familiar with and after that each had their own personal affairs to attend to. but they promised to meet again and continue their adventures together.

8 moths had passed and the party has joined again after recivnig an invitation from jamandi aldori with the help of their now sponsor jasmin , who performed a ceremony on rev. the 6 of the hill gathered there and it was revealed in ball that the jamandi has invited about 120 adventurers in order to give them the opportunity to become a baron and own land. the catch is they have to take it first from an ominus and dangerous figure calles the staglords who took control of these lands and now rules them through an iron fist and magic. bloodmoon who formed a pack with an archfey called reyla has recieved an assignment from her to win the lands which as she says are originially hers. jatted is also after the lands for unkown reasons. the party then decides to enter the contest.
after devising a plan to recruit more people to their side , the party heads to bed. rev who insisits on staying guard falls asleep after sleeping gas is thrown in the castle. it turns out gonthal - a negihboring country consisting of mainly orc and goblin races is trying to hurt the effort of taking back the badlands. after a hearty battle against oncoming forces recruiting a few allies and taking a few magical items , one of the adventurers who fought with six of the hill tartucio - a gnome sorcerer accused jattad of being a gonthali spy. the day before the battle he gave six of the hill rings of protection with the symbol of a city in gonthal. all accepted except reid who already had one. after accusing one another of conspiring to commit the attack at the jamandi court , yosef selemions the mayor of the town casted zone of truth on the accused. six of the hill claimed tartucio gave them the rings. tartucio denided. the mayor said both parties are truthful. with little time and resources jamandi set both parties with similar but different objectives to the badlands. the first objective on their voyage was the temple of the luna. there they went through a transformation at a magical gravesite. each was trained by a  person of the same class. after that they kept riding and finally reached the badlands.
 reaching the badlands finally they first got to alex' trading post. there they ambushed taxers of the staglord who came to the trading post. after the battle and sending some of their allies on various mission they went on their way to a near village recently taken by orcs. they went there with the intet of recruiting allies for the final battle. the orcs' leader an orog negotiated with reid and got to an agreement that the orcs will give them 100 soldiers and six of the hill will kill a creature in the hills. after killing two hill giants a young dragon and elves and illiusory orcs , but also losing two allies and nearly rev six of the hill now get ready to keep exploring the rest of the temples in the area and also gaining allies and land.   The party has earned the name Morning Stars during The Invasion of the Plane of Shadow to Hirch Thani and the proclamation of the court of Helios and the Murkburrow citizens. However, during this act, the valiant Elven Ranger of the party was killed by a beholder ray, disintegrating him completely.


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