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White snow is spread along the rooftops of the northern city. Wood and stone are built along the shallow cliffs with low roofs and narrow streets, all in an effort to conserve heat. The only buildings higher than 2 stories are built for those who can afford to keep them warm. The archetecture is intricate in its simplicity, the masonry is exquisite and the wood frames are carved into beautiful shapes reminiscent of fractal ice and snow patterns. On the main streets you see rudimentary lanternposts with glass to protect the flame from the icy wind, on those poles hang a banner. Its charge is a flowing blue stripe on a grey field, the heraldry of the city. Though the climate is frigid most of the folk are hearty and welcoming   Mineworks outside the city on the slopes of the Windswept Peaks


59% Human, 21% dwarves, 5% is White Dragonborn and 15% is other races, mostly made up of Orcs, Goblins and elves. the city, as a secluded location, has in time attracted many different "monstrous races" away from perceived prejudice or (self)imposed exile.


The city is ruled by a mayor and a council. The Mayor serves in the place of the Jarl, who rules the province. The council is made up of a group of lords and nobles who through some form, either gold, noteriety or title, are part of the governing body.


The city of Forgottenfall is divided into 2 districts. Due to Northwind's desolated and isolated location, the capital of the Jarldom is comparative to the medium-sized cities in the world.  


On the north of the city is the docks, the city was built on a landmass of protruding rock, hence the name Cliffside. The district is filled with the trade of fish and products from the mines outside the city. The market trades ores, gems and important minerals for gold or food. Cliffside is home to Frostline Castle, the residence and seat of Guthrum Valebeard, Lord of Northwind and Jarl of Forgottenfall. The castle looks over the waters of Frostline Bay. On the other side of the city is Iceward Manor. The luxurious and grand home of the richest Stone Lord in Forgottenfall. Towards the centre of the city is a marketplace where Hunters and fishermen try to trade their products. The Market also holds stalls for grain coming from the south. On the market square is Winter's Hall, a temple and graveyard dedicated to the Raven Queen or as she is locally known The Lady of Winter. Worship of the Raven Queen in Northwind is less about Death or fate and more focussed on her less discussed domain of Winter. Down the street of Winter's Hall is the temple of Solace, a standard temple to Moradin for the dwarves and mine workers of the city. Anyone looking for a nice drink or a good room to stay, need to look no further than the Walrus House.  


On the south bordering the stream that comes from the Forgottenfall is the district of Fallway. The district is residential home to the people who keep the city going, tight streets cause the houses to keep their warmth but also create a claustrophobic effect. The centrepiece of the city is Northwind Hall, it borders Cliffside on the south-side of the market. The Hall is the residence of the steward, the person who runs the petty politics of the city for the Jarl, and the council hall of the Province. Down the street towards the east gate is the House of the Stone Lords, the guildhall for the families who own the mines, it was originally built by the Graustow family. It is built like a sturdy dwarvish mead hall and will host a number of parties for the elite of Northwind. Many of the Castle owning jarls attend these parties. On the west side of the district is the Workers' Guild, a new organization that demands better pay and treatment for the workers in the mines. They also campaign for protection for the miners as more and more of the residents have started to disappear from the mines. Entering the tunnels of the Windswept Heights and never coming out. For those who want a drink with the local folk, the Flaming Barrel is your best bet. Two taverns next to one another are always filled with people from the town drinking and talking.  
White snow is spread along the rooftops of the northern city. Wood and stone are built along the shallow cliffs with low roofs and narrow streets, all in an effort to conserve heat. The only buildings higher than 2 stories are built for those who can afford to keep them warm. The archetecture is intricate in its simplicity, the masonry is exquisite and the wood frames are carved into beautiful shapes reminiscent of fractal ice and snow patterns. On the main streets you see rudimentary lanternposts with glass to protect the flame from the icy wind, on those poles hang a banner. Its charge is a flowing blue stripe on a grey field, the heraldry of the city. Though the climate is frigid most of the folk are hearty and welcoming



General store: Monty's General

Owner: Montgomery Maximilian, Goblin man. Coarse (toad voice). Hunched down a little. olive green skin, silver blonde hair and mutton chops with a big curly moustache. wears a fur vest and a fur lined hat (ushanka style)   Located on Market street, across the way from the Walrus house. thin 2 story building. Hearthfire at the back of the store, shelves with several small things and trinkets and the usual general stuff. large jars of candies and spices, bottles of oils and alcohol.

Blacksmith: Forgeway, armour and weapons

Owner: Balur Forgehand, Dwarf man. Scottish. Good posture, clear skin with a few streaks of soot. tattoos on the side of his bald head. round glasses on his nose, look like goggles heavy lenses.   Located in Cliffside between the docks and the Temple of Solace. Wide single story building, front end is a shop space. oil lamps light up the weapons and armour on the wall as from the back you hear the the raging of the forge and the rhythm of a a hammer hitting the anvil.

The Yellow Apron: Alchemy store

Owner: Pimothy Pellpopper Halfling man, young, has a young kid running around. is surprised at the entry of the part as most people go to Kazamov Volga he has chestnut brown hair the place smells of lavender and berries. He offers the porty lemonade as he asks about the notice will say his son was practising with some friends and he brought an arrow that belongs to his grandfather. it has sentimental value. young billy is exciteable and Pim wont be angry wiht him but the forrest is known to be haunted and neither of them dare go in. he will provide 2 regular health potions.

Guilds and Factions

The Stone Lords

Owners of the Mines, the upper class of the city, the Stone Lords are a select group of people who own and make profit from the mines this includes people like Lord Alistair Grimsby. They gather in a fancy medehall known by the same name as the guild.  

Workers' Guild

  A recent addition to the political landscape of the city is the Workers guild. Started in a workers tavern by a group of miners disgruntled at working conditions, the Workers' guild has now grown to substantial size.  

Fishermans Guild: Walrus house

above you hangs the immage of a Walrus carved from wood you take a look at the impressive wood and stone builing where you see, essentially, a repurposed ship. you see above the Figurehead the beautiful and intricate stern of a ship but in its inert state the glass is coloured. the inside has all sorts of fish skeletons hanging a whale bone hanging on the wall next to the stuffed head of a truly gigantic walrus. at this point of the day there are really no people in. you see a figure standing behind the bar

Guildmaster Olaf Börl

Human man. Old wears nice clothes. Big curly moustache, long hair into a manbun. a few scars on his face. Shoreditch accent. begins to tell the story of the guild. its use as a place of respite for the fisherman. anybody can have a drink at the bar. guild memebers pay with tokens (basically for free). The guild is in a bout of unrest due to the attacks and Olafs leadership.   more and more fisherman are returning from the sea reporting attacks. rocking the boats, less and less catches. nets being destoryed. there is only one guild so they dont suspect foul play. Just uncovering what causes the distubances will net the party 50 gold. 100 if they directly take care of it. (200 if foul play is detected, someone in the guild wishes to take over)

Points of interest

Frostline Castle

In the northwest of the city, the Frostline Castle looks out over the water of the bay of the same name. Frostline is the ancestral home of the Valebeard family, who have been the Jarls of the city and the Province since before the First Republic. It is equipped to withstand a siege from the sea and the land. The Castle is built in the characteristic style of the dwarves, straight lines and complex geometrical decorations. The Castle consists of an outer wall that is fused with the city wall on the side of the water and the docks. Inside the wall stands a tall keep, a square tower accented with four spires, on the south of the keep is a smaller square tower for the Kitchens and on the Northside is the grand hall. The courtyard is finished with a round tower for the court adviser and mage. 

Northwind Hall

Hall of the Jarldom of the Province and the mayor of the city. It is a square building lined by a thin wall surrounding it. The front of the hall is a general place for the people of the city to report their issues and queries. In the front of Northwind hall bounties can be collected from the Reeve and criminals are put before a judge. The Left wing is the location of the city dungeons and heavily guarded. The dungeons are not connected to the rest of Northwind hall by doors and thus criminals are brought in from the side of the wing. The Right wing is home to the council hall of the Province and the city. It is where the elite and the Lords make their decisions about the rule of Forgottenfall and Northwind. 

Windswept Castle

Built on the side of the mountains of the same name, the castle lies north of the Forgotten Fall that gave the city its name. Windswept castle is treated with fear and slight hostility due to its purpose as a home of the Brotherhood of the Helix. The Brotherhood is an order of monster hunters who use blood magic to fulfil their goals. Windswept is built in a towering gothic style. The people of Forgottenfall don't know whether the city or the castle precedes one or the other. 

Graustows' Wake

Hidden in the woods stands the backdrop to the greatest horrors that the city has ever known. The Manor house outside the city belonged to one of the richest families in the province, the Grautstows. Over time, their power grew as they delved deeper into the mines. But quickly the tides would turn. More and more members of the family would seemingly go mad from visions or paranoia. Then, suddenly, the visions seemed to cease for a generation. To celebrate the Graustow family held a banquet at their manor house, its name now lost. The feast was grand and lavish, the food was excellent and the liquor doth flow. All was grand until, at the stroke of the hour of midnight the mood soured. The family members started cackling and grabbed weapons, the doors were locked and… a massacre ensued. 350 people were killed, slaughtered even. The Graustows were not among the dead as they had seemingly vanished. The estate of the manor overgrew and is now known as The Wake. It is extremely haunted and many theorize about what had happened on that fatal night.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Frozen City
Inhabitant Demonym
Fall spawn, Snowed
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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