Part 10: The Justice of Archons Report

General Summary

While hiding in his planar portal, Rorauk  explained that the party was up against an Archon. Worried about the threat the celestial brings, The Masks of the Gods jumped out to tackle the challenge. The being of justice responded with a smash of his hammer, sending Nuasika, Marzena, and Aletha into a different plane to fight the spirit of Agena. With a perfectly aimed arrow from Omis, the archon was slain and planar disruption ended. 

After looting the Tomb of Agena the Undying for all it was worth, taking a tapestry, and sleeping in a resting chamber, the party burned everything before moving on. Marzena dedicated the shrine of Neyet to Kruphix and gained knowledge of the The Forgotten Islands of Drakka

Entering the other side of the tomb, the party fought a massive guard of death. With the help of two Lampads, Marzena was killed and her soul was ripped out. Watching the spirit being dragged to the Underworld, Nuasika screamed in fury. She rushed in blasting the room with the light - in doing the room was sanctified and all undead we obliterated. Then with a frantic prayer to Karametra and tears in her eyes, she brought the power of her God to return Marzena to life. 

After scouting the rest of the tomb, Omis led the party to the soul forge and Nuasika purified the seal. Doing so released the trapped spirits of the Lagonna and sent them to be returned to their bodies. 

Now The Masks of the Gods look toward Tethmos in the hopes of finding Kone and learning more about Komoidi, Scythe of Karametra.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Soul Forge
Augury of the Storm
Report Date
01 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location