Part 9: The Burning Fields Report

General Summary

After the week's travel, The Masks of the Gods found their way to Altrisos to celebrate Therimakarion (a holiday of Karametra). In the port city, they adopted adorable kittens to populate their new home, including a human-sized one-eyed Lynx that has been referred to at least once as fluffy. While several actors were fighting over the rights to their play, and Aletha and Rorauk exposed them both, realizing they were stolen from the famous poet Retnues. Extorting them for coin, they returned a little richer and the party began adventures around the city.  

Travel to Melitis

  Rorauk met with merchants from The Volcanic Hydra. They talked about trade problems at the Oreskos border. Apparently, they have been having a hard time getting materials from Oreskos due to issues with the war tensions between Akros and Melitis. While working with them, Rorack heard about dark riders in the plains bringing great doom to the centaur.

"To the library"

  Aletha found a book of interest in the forbidden section and is quickly left with the treasure. Perhaps the rain-mystics from her pride (Thundercaller could provide some answers when next in Oreskos.   Marzena found notes on the lineage of Kruphix. Learning about the Gods relationship with Elpis and demi-god Nyxborn children. It appears that the two Gods share powers over time, each battling through their descendants; descendants that become unstable and die tragically. But the books mention a potion that might slow its progress. Luckily she met an alchemist, Chaq, who seems to know more. He suggests that they find pearls on the lost islands out in the Siren Sea.   Nuaskia found a book, The Moon and the Garden, about Karametra and Komoidi, Scythe of Karametra. The poetry detailed an ancient epic, covering the story of an ancient treant blessed by Karametra. It grew to battle an ancient titan of the moon, referenced as Neyet. The branches of the tree were forged with the help of Purphoros and Nylea into Komoidi, Scythe of Karametra.   Perhaps this is the legendary artifact that Niketa's scouts reported. The letter mentioned a Sun Guide named Kone in Tethmos who may know more.  

Going to School

  Omis and Aletha broke into Grand Harvester Library during the night. Pretending to be a student and a proctor, they tricked an old academic and stole a collection of books. One of which discusses how to purify a legendary artifact that has been corrupted. It suggests that rare berries of Karametra might be necessary.

The Soulless and the Archon

After traveling up Deyda River on the back of Karkinos, the heroes found themselves on the border of Lagonna and Pheres lands. The travelers they met each acted lifeless and with apathy. While investigating the tragedy, two shadow assassins attacked. Making quick work of the fiends, Omis and Rorauk tracked the nightmares to an ancient tomb (Tomb of Agena the Undying) and Omis began to wonder if these was connected to the events he witnessed with Sizra and Bathin.   Climbing down a waterfall, they entered the crypt to find signs of Neyet. After disarming the traps, looting all the treasure they could, and briefly contemplating resurrecting Aesop, "Setessa's Forgotten", they found themselves standing in front of an Archon. The towering figure of corrupted justice violently attacked them, and Rorauk opened a portal into Nyx in which they could hide. As the brute fumes below, the question becomes: what do we do when time runs out and we have to face the celestial?

Rewards Granted

-Horseshoes of Slyvan Kind

Character(s) interacted with

Augury of the Storm
Report Date
26 Jul 2021
Primary Location