Session 10 - "The Trial of Titan's Gate, Pt. 3" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 10 - "The Trial of Titan's Gate, Pt. 3" Report

General Summary

Kythos and Xanias argued against one another in a public trial to determine the fates of those accused of working alongside the Daggereyes, and killing General Teraklos, of the Second Legion  During the Trial, it emerged that Teraklos was planning to travel to Meletis, and that he was engaged in a love affair with Tasia, The Satyr  After the trial, Sarania  attacked Kythos, shouting about how Akros is a land of warriors, not cowards. She then transformed into some sort of hybrid Minotaur-human. At the end of the fight, she ripped out her throat, but her life was saved by Kythos  Following the events of the Trial, Ochesios explained that he would be travelling onwards to Akros, to speak with The Gerousia of Akros about the events of the trial, and about the influence of Mogis being seen once again within the Polis' borders. Before leaving, he gave Kythos the deed to a small portion of his land within Titan's Gate  Afterwards, Kythos (and TaurionVaryas, The Eidolon, Philosta and Xercos) set out from Titan's Gate, onwards to The Katachthon Mountains, and to Mount Kakamala to seek the prophecy of The Flamespeaker...

Rewards Granted

Levelled up (now Level 6)    Gained 2 Piety for Heliod (new total = 6), for winning the trial, and fighting Sarania honourably   Gained Taurion as a companion.    Gained a small estate within Titan's Gate (part of Ochesios' lands), and made a citizen of the city

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed the trial of Titan's Gate
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.
Theros Campaign
Report Date
22 Oct 2023
Primary Location


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