The Gerousia of Akros Organization in Theros | World Anvil
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The Gerousia of Akros

The Gerousia is the primary political body of Akros, made up of the oldest, and most honourable, of The Lektoi. All Lektoi of 40 years or greater are given membership of The Gerousia, so long as they are within The Kollophon, and have at least 2 other members who support their entry. The Gerousia is split into 7 families, each representing one of the original Seven Families that founded the Polis. Each Lektoi that enters is adopted into one of these families, unless they are a member of The Royal Family. The King and/or Queen of Akros is the "first amongst equals" of The Gerousia, however they can be overruled if 4 or more of The Families stand against their decision. Importantly, whilst any member of The Royal Family may sit in on the Gerousia, only the King or Queen may speak to the assembly, and only The King and/or Queen is permitted to vote on any proposal. Unlike The Royal Family, those who are part of one of The Seven may address the assembly at any point, and all are permitted a vote. Each of The Families has an Elder, who can speak with the voice of the entire family.  

The Royal Family

  Represented by: Taranika, Queen Regent of Akros  
    Official Leader: Queen Cymede of Akros      

The Seven Families are:


The Rams

Current Elder: Pollas, Elder of The Rams  
  Other Members: Miklos, of Stratian Arms and Armaments    

The Griffins

Current Elder: Dorysia, Former Queen Consort of Akros and Elder of The Griffins  
    Other Members: Sphano, High Huntress of Nylea, Herimeles, Arch-Priest of Heliod  

The Foxes

Current Elder: General Climnestos, Elder of The Foxes  
  Other Members:    

The Eagles

Current Elder: Callistos, Arch-Priest of Keranos and Elder of The Eagles  
    Other Members: Queen Cymede of Akros (formerly)  

The Bulls

Current Elder: Brugas, Elder of The Bulls  
    Other Members: Lady Yanaia    Teraklos (formerly) Yargus (formerly)   

The Boars

Current Elder: Corus, Elder of The Boars  
    Other Members: The Lady Clovinia  

The Serpents

Current Elder:Cellini, High Physician of Akros  


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