Session 8 - "The Trial of Titan's Gate - Pt. 1" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 8 - "The Trial of Titan's Gate - Pt. 1" Report

General Summary

The morning after the battle

  • Kythos spoke with Ochesios about the prophecy written on Varyas' Mask. He was reassured that the translation was correct, though the god of lies is not known for his honesty... Kythos also learned that Ochesios' wife was taken by the Woe Striders after Klothys' emergence. He seems to have a complicated relationship with Destiny and Fate. 
  • Kythos slept through the night, within the confines of the teample to Heliod (within the Temple of the Triarchy, Titan's Gate). He slept well, watched over by Philosta and Xercos
  • Ochesios offered Kythos the spear used by Cathal Daggereye during the battle. He explained that this is customary in Akros. Kythos sensed omens from The Underworld on the spear, and asked that Ochesios destroy it. 
  • Breakfast the next day was interrupted by soldiers of the Lukos. They proclaimed that Ochesios was needed for the trial, and took a ornately carved wooden box from his office with them (and him). 
  • Philosta explained to Kythos that Xercos owes him "his water" - meaning that he will stay with him until his debt is fulfilled. 

The Trial begins

  1. Ochesios, in the "imagine" of Heliod, acting as judge and arbitrator of the trial. 
  2. Sarania , in the "imagine" of Iroas, acting as prosecutor on behalf of the state. 
  3. Iphinome, the local blacksmith, in the "imagine" of Purphoros, acting as defence counsel. 
  4. The Jury (each marked with golden paint) - 20 citizens, one of which was Varyas, The Eidolon 
  5. The accused:
  6. Taurion - accused of killing General Teraklos, of the Second Legion Tasia, The Satyr - accused of letting the Daggereyes through the wall, alongside Omiros, The Satyr and Agrius, of The Daggereyes Omiros, The Satyr - accused of supplying the Daggereyes with weaponsAgrius, of The Daggereyes - accused of working with Tasia, The Satyr and Omiros, The Satyr and of being a members of the Daggereyes. 
  • The prosecution and defence were then given 48 hours to collect evidence, through the intercession of their chosen agents. 

The Agents are Chosen 

  • Kythos visited the temple of the Triarchy, and briefly met with Ochesios, who returned his things and gave him the location of where Xercos and Philosta were staying. Kythos also visited the temple of Iroas, which was being used as a conscription office for Paristhenes' campaign in Phoberos. 
  • Kythos visited Sarania  at The Alamon Academy, within the old office of Timon. On getting to the Academy, he saw the bodies of approximately 100 Alamon and 40 Lukos, lined up within the courtyard, being tended to by people in black robes who were placing coins over their eyes. 
  • Sarania  gave Kythos her husband's "Stratos" (a wooden knife, inscribed with the names of it's many owners, and a sign of a member of the Akroan military - The Stratians), as well as his bronze armour (within which his name has been inscribed on the inside of the breastplate), and his shield (emblazoned with the symbol of Akros), saying "may you ever return with your shield, or on it". She then explained that she had secured provisions (and a guide) for Kythos and his companions to leave the city and journey on to the Katachthons within the hour, which Kythos (?rudely) refused. 
  • Kythos witnessed Xanias, a man he recognised from General Teraklos, of the Second Legion' military council meeting, talking to Sarania
  • Kythos cajolled Iphinome into selecting him. as the agent of the defence, and she gave him a ceremonial hammer (representing Purphoros' will) to show this. 

Interviewing the Accused

  • Omiros, The Satyr professed his innocence of all crimes. He provided details of the location of his caravan, assuring Kythos that it held nothing untoward. 
  • Tasia, The Satyr seemed aloof and unconcerned by the accusations levelled against her. She expressed disdain for the Akroan customs surrounding trials, referring to them as "brutish". She explained she was a travelling saleswoman, and that she had temporary accommodation in a house within the Trader's Quarter, on the far edge of town. 
  • Taurion was unconscious, but Kythos healed him. He professed no knowledge of what happened the night of the attack, saying that he remembers entering the wall, with o intention to harm the general, then awoke covered in blood with the general lying on the floor and Sarania  knelt over his body, crying. He was then knocked out by a member of The Honour Guard, and awoke within the cage he's now in. He asked Kythos to ensure he has a good death. 
  • Agrius, of The Daggereyes spoke only in The Pheres' tongue. He seemed very angry, and spat at Kythos. Kythos learned that the only Pheres speaker in Titan's Gate is Xanias

The Armoury

  • Kythos met Xanias at The Armoury, below the wall. He spoke to a serf official, alongside Kythos. The official explained that he had witnessed Omiros, The Satyr dropping off crates within the Armoury yesterday. The deliveries weren't signed for, and there was no payment listed, the information only lists that they were shipments of "fertiliser" for "The General's Office". 
  • Kythos inspected 3 crates of "fertiliser", which contained hidden flasks of the blue-black liquid used by the Daggereye Raiders during tehir attack last night. 
  • Kythos also saw that the same handwriting was used on similar shipments in and out of the armoury, on a bi-monthly basis. 3 crates were removed yesterday afternoon (before the attack). 

Omiros' Caravan 

  • Kythos found Omiros, The Satyr's caravan, which was locked form the inside, and smashed open the secret door on it's base. 
  • The inside of the caravan appeared empty, but on closer inspection the back wall appeared to be false. Behind it, he found an idol of Phenax (god of lies, acting, and deception) and a small locked box, which contained letters of sale stamped with the image of an eagle. Each one was for a different item, with payments listed at the bottom. There was a hidden code within the letters, which stated "Third Gallinus" followed by yesterday's date. This seemed to indicate the hidden passages into the walls, which are denoted by anachronistic depictions of Prince Gallinus "Giant's Blood", of Akros wielding the spear Varantha, sign of the Akroan monarch (at that time Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros). 

A nightly visitation 

  • In the midst of sleep, Kythos was visited by Hixus, whilst sitting before a dark river, with the moon in the distance. 
  • Hixus explained that Malanas, The Crow was trying to find Kythos, but he was frustrating his efforts. He won't be able to keep doing this forever though. 
  • He told Kythos to continue on his current path, and to protect the city of Akros. 

Rewards Granted

Gained 1 Piety (Heliod) - New Total = 3
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.


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