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Argentan Waves

The Argentan Waves are the peacekeeping and law enforcement organization which protects Aramore. They are led by the High Constable of Tranquility, a position appointed by the head of House Fortescue.  


The Waves are an armed force which act as Aramore's patrolmen, guards, and jailers. They also protect many of the outlying villages and towns around Aramore, albeit in smaller numbers and with somewhat less efficacy. Within city walls, they are known for being a highly efficient and intimdating organization.   The standard uniform of the Waves includes scale mail for officers and leather armor for archer sentries. All officers wear black boots and gloves, and royal blue tabards with silver embroidery and emblazoned with the white eagle of Aramore's crest.  


The Waves were established shortly after the founding of Luria, when the city of Aramore was being built and its new residents were in need to protection from the roaming bandits in the surrounding region. However, the Waves did not have a base of operations until sometime around 67 LE, when Stormkeep Bastion was constructed.

General Information

Type: Law Enforcement
Base: Stormkeep Bastion
Leadership: High Constable of Tranquility
Keep the peace in Aramore and the surrounding lands


Total Members: 5400 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:
  • High Constable Miyako Akamatsu


Allegiances: Allies: Enemies

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