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Kavish, the Eternal Gloom

Kavish (/kʰeɪvɪʃ/) is one of the six draconic demigods of Thesilae. He was created by Vimeri as a defender of the mortal peoples, but eventually betrayed the Ethereal Gods and became a servant of Romira.  


The Age of Dawn

Early in the Age of Dawn, Vimeri cast her gaze across the newborn lands of Thesilae and found herself unsettled by how defenseless they might be against threats larger than themselves. So she created Kavish as a guardian against those threats, and placed him in the heart of the world where he could watch every side of it at once. But over the course of hundreds of years, Kavish grew embittered by Vimeri's seeming preference for mortals. It was this bitterness which opened his mind to the whispers of Romira, and led him to betraying the mortal peoples in service to her. After a several-months-long rampage in which Kavish burned cities and slaughtered mortals of all kind, Amvald returned from the heavens to strike Kavish down. However, Amvald was unable to take the dragon's life, and Kavish was left to lick his wounds in the Umbralands, where he had retreated.  



Kavish is a massive magma dragon, larger than even the most ancient of all the magma dragons on Thesilae's surface. His scales are coal-black, lit from the inside by the burning magma which makes up the interior of his body and drips from his shattered maw.  


Kavish was once a patient and noble dragon, who looked over mortals as he might his own kin. After spending such a long time alone in the core of the world, however, he became bitter, angry, and filled with a furious kind of lonliness that causes him to lash out violently whenever mortals draw too near.  



Character Information

Character Information

Full Name
Also Known As
The Eternal Gloom
Creature Type
  • The Umbralands
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