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Romira, the Lost Lady

Romira (/ɻomiːɻaː/) is the goddess of darkness, confusion, and isolation. Like her brother, Rhalzon, she is worshiped by exiles, outcasts and wanderers, but her followers seek to spread their misery and misfortune to others, rather than alleviate it.  


The Age of Dawn

The Exile of Rhalzon and Romira

In her youth, Romira's family was exiled from their homeland, along with all the nobility which the common folk believed had driven the kingdom into ruin. A string of misfortune followed the family, whittling their numbers down as they traveled across the lands of Thesilae in search of refuge, until at last only Romira and her older brother Rhalzon remained. Half-starved and weary, the sibling continued to wander the world, developing opposite philosophies on life and mortality as time went on. While Romira grew increasingly bitter and jaded, Rhalzon is said to have reached a state of inner peace so deep that his soul shed its mortal shell and ascended to godhood. When he left the world and joined the gods, Romira's lonliness boiled over into into an intense and terrible sense of isolation and abandonment. The weight of these emotions made her into a twisted goddess, one who can never again be reunited with her brother.  

Kavish Betrays Mortalkind

Many, many decades after the ascension of Amvald and his family, Vimeri's guardian dragon Kavish grew discontent with his divinely-appointed task of forever guarding the mortals of Thesilae. His growing bitterness opened his mind to the whispers of Romira, who encouraged Kavish to abandon his post in the center of the world and instead take revenge on the mortals he'd come to hate, and who he thought had stolen away the attention from Vimeri that was rightfully his. After a several-months long rampage, Kavish was confronted by Amvald and injured in battle. He retreated to the Umbralands below Thesilae's surface, where according to rumor he still resides today.  



Romira is a taiga giant with cool grey skin decorated with simple swirling tatoos across her arms, a tradition that has been followed by taiga giants for as long as any can remember. She has long, tangled black hair which falls into her face and over her despondant eyes. Her clothes were once very fine, made from expensive and vibrantly-colored silks and laces, but faded and tore over time until they took on the look of a banshee's gown.  


Romira does not speak to her followers, though some believe her to have appeared to them at the moment their spirits shattered under the weight of isolation and misery. Her signs are cryptic: a chill breeze in the night, the sudden extinguishing of candlelight, the sound of soft sobbing somewhere far away but near enough to barely hear. Some believe that her true goal is to drive the lonely insane.  


Only the bitter and angry worship Romira. Those who believe they deserve to cause the same pain in others that they have felt themselves, due to their loneliness and confusion. It is said that this is what happens to wanderers who stray to far from Rhalzon's guiding hand, or who spend too long without enjoying the company of another soul.  

Edicts and Anathema


  • Isolate yourself and others
  • Prevent celebrations and other joyous gatherings
  • Create darkness and extinguish light
  • Cause or facilitate confusion and loss


  • Reunite separated companions/kin
  • Host parties or similar gatherings
  • Provide clarity or explanations
  • Spread or create light
  • Create places of mass worship in Romira's name



Places of Worship and Holy Sites

Deity Information

The Lost Lady
The Keening Queen
Ascended God
Darkness, Confusion, Isolation
A black-framed mirror with an obscured surface
Divine Realm
Neutral Good
Cisgender Woman


Explorers, nomads, outcasts, wanderers
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites


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