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Amvald, Lord of the Luminous Blade

Amvald (/æmvaːld/) is the god of champions, guardians, courage, honor, and oaths. He is worshiped by people of all kinds, but especially by those who hope to be heroes and protectors.  


The Age of Dawn

In the early years of mortal history, which scholars understand not in a linear timeline, but only as a collection of stories which a timeline can only be theorized for, Amvald served as a champion of the goddess Vimeri. For this reason, he is known as the Shield of Vimeri. He traveled with his siblings- Nondra, Strannen, and Maanzar - and together they performed great heroic deeds, which ultimately culminated in their playing a role in the resolution of the Rending War.  

The Rending War

Sometime in the midst of the Age of Dawn, the old kingdoms began to fall, one by one, to the conquests of the Empire of Vurus. The empire's tyrant-king, an oni named Hanzou, was a brutal ruler. During his reign, Vurus went on a campaign of conquest that spanned all of Suyia and ventured into the continent of Eloqua, where Amvald lived. Amvald, following the edicts of Vimeri, sought to guide Hanzou towards a path of redemption-- but Hanzou felt no guilt for his actions, and would not repent. Thus, Amvald and his siblings took up arms against Hanzou's army. While Maanzar thwarted Hanzou's lead general, their siblings joined Amvald in battle against Hanzou himself. The tyrant-king was defeated, but only just barely, and not before he had dealt a mortal wound to Amvald. In her distress over the loss of her favorite champion, Vimeri lifted Amvald's soul into the realm of the gods and granted him divinity, so that he might serve by her side for all that remains of time.  

Kavish Betrays Mortalkind

Many, many decades after the ascension of Amvald and his family, Vimeri's guardian dragon Kavish grew discontent with his divinely-appointed task of forever guarding the mortals of Thesilae. His growing bitterness opened his mind to the whispers of Romira, who encouraged Kavish to abandon his post in the center of the world and instead take revenge on the mortals he'd come to hate, and who he thought had stolen away the attention from Vimeri that was rightfully his. After a several-months long rampage, Kavish was confronted by Amvald and injured in battle. He retreated to the Umbralands below Thesilae's surface, where according to rumor he still resides today.  



Amvald is a porcelain-skinned fire giant with eyes the color of the sun at noon and long, vibrant red hair. His bronze plate mail was a gift from Vimeri, and is engraved with a stylized pattern of the sun across the chest. The Luminous Blade is his signature weapon, a greatsword that gleams like a ray of sunlight when drawn from it's ruby-encrusted sheathe.  


As a champion of Vimeri, Amvald embodies his goddess' most closely-held traits. He is stoic, compassionate, and honest. Amvald is said to be one of the gods who gets most directly involved with his followers: his most fervent worshipers sometimes say that they were visited by the god, and convinced to turn away from a path of darkness.  


Amvald's worshipers are, invariably, champions and heroes (or at the very least, those who hope to become champions and heroes). Motivated by a desire to do good in the world, rout out corruption and evil, and to save the innocent from the dark forces which would do them harm, Amvald's followers are revered as paragons of heroism.  

The Shields of Dawn

The clerics and paladins who are gifted divine powers by Amvald are known as the Shields of Dawn. The Shields are a branch of the Temple of Vimeri with a quasi-militaristic bent to it.  

Edicts and Anathema


  • Exercise bravery
  • Strike down those with evil intent
  • Keep your word
  • Care for those under your authority


  • Harm innocents
  • Cause fear or despair
  • Allow those who have committed evil acts to evade consequences
  • Cower from danger


Places of Worship and Holy Sites

Deity Information

Lord of the Luminous Blade
Ascended God
Champions, Guardians, Courage, Honor, Oaths
A stylized sun emblazoned on a bronze shield
Divine Realm
Lawful Good
Cisgender Man


Heroes and champions, those who seek to do good in the world
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites


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