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Swords of Silver

The Swords of Silver are a mercenary group based in the Kingdom of Coraway which also serves as the nation's main guard unit. They are paid by the Gilded Crown for their law enforcement services, but are often accused of being deeply corrupt and easily bought by wealthy criminals.  


The Swords of Silver are a government-funded mercenary group which is under the permanent employ of the Gilded Crown. Despite this, they claim no true loyalty to the nation and are just as likely to be under the employ of thieves, thugs, and other criminals as they are to be acting as members of the guard (thoguh the specific Swords operating as guards are contractually obligated to avoid participation in criminal activities).   The organization as a whole has no uniform, but those working as law enforcement agents are provided with a suit of either half or full plate armor and a red and white tabard emblazoned with the golden-crowned lion which graces the crest of Casmonte.  


The story of the Swords of Silver's founding is a great mystery, perhaps only known to a handful of the organization's own members. However, at some point after the founding of Coraway, they were hired by the Gilded Crown to protect the capital city (or, more accurately, the homes of the Coin Lords). Over time, their contract was revised to reflect their growing importance as a law enforcement organization across all of Coraway.

General Information

Type: Mercenary Organization
Founded: Unknown
Base: Draakoni Citadel
Complete their contractual obligations
Gather wealth and resources


Total Members: 3200 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of the Kingdom of Coraway are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, and words from other Afroasiatic or romance language used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Corrans


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