Basketball - Class Cruiser

Heavily armoured cruiser part of the Destroyer lineup. The Basketball - Class, although by todays standards obsolete by the Decimator - Class Cruiser, have proven their worth when they were built during the Tebburus Unification War. Much like the Destroyer - Class Destroyer, the Basketball - Class sports large hangar bays on either side of the ship.   The Basketball class, like other starships built during the Unification War, was fitted with a weak fusion reactor and thrusters. It was famously armed with 2 railguns as its primary armament - both located on the top - both of which were very powerful. These were also known as "Red Railgun" and "Blue Railgun" as when they fired, one railgun fired a projectile that looked red in colour and the other blue. This happened because they were designed slightly differently to serve different roles - the blue railgun fired a slightly smaller projectile at a higher velocity, causing it to also heat up more than the red railgun.
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