Destroyer - Class Destroyer

Starship used by several nations of Tebburus during the Unification War. The Destroyer class utilized multiple high power railguns as well as 2 large fighter bays on both sides of the ship. These proved effective during the war, but had no FTL capabilities.  When the Saelian Coalition landed on Tebburus, these formed a large portion of the Suon forces defending their homeworld.   Despite the efficiency and effectiveness of the designs, they have become largely obsolete by todays standards with the Boson - Class Destroyer being a near - direct upgrade. While the Boson - Class lacks any fighter compliment, it easily outdoes the Destroyer - Class in every other way. Fighters do not fit the doctrine of destroyers.   As such, these now serve mainly as museum ships. The most significant of these, T.S. Destroyer, partaking in every Victory Day celebration to this day, 44 000 years later.
Used by
Owning Organization


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