Cela - Class Flying Disc

A crewed Flying Disc of the Saelian Coalition, a member star nation of the Hyperion Federation.  The Cela - Class is a medium - heavy unarmed scientific vessel, named after the Saelian homeworld of Cela. One of its key functions is its gravity lift which can send people down - or up. This has been used to abduct non sentient life from several alien worlds for purposes of study. These are often deployed to primitive worlds, so the Cela - class has been kept as compact as possible, is quiet and has a small radar signature.

Power Generation

Antimatter Annihilation Core (refer to λ High-Energy Technology)

Armor and defense

Civilian vessel. Weakly shielded and thin TGX Composite armour.

Communication Tools & Systems


Tachyonic radar, utilizing stabilised tachyons for superluminal sensory capability.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Zero point energy
Owning Organization
60 m
Complement / Crew


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