Boson - Class Destroyer
A powerful destroyer of the Hyperion Federation. As the propulsion drives are very large in proportion to the ship, it is incredibly fast. It is also heavily armed for its size, but it probably wont stand up to punishment.
The Boson - class was designed shortly after the original inception of Δ High-Energy Technology and are the oldest ships still in service in the Federation military.
Although the Boson - class was designed to be a counter to larger ships such as battleships, that role is better served by the Ultimatum - Class Corvette due to the sheer firepower of the Ultimatum. The Boson - class can take far more hits, though, and serves as a great general purpose ship with fast speed, able to take on both heavier and lighter hostiles.
Power Generation
Antimatter Annihilation Core - refer to High-Energy Technology
Photon Thrustrs. These launch a large quantity of photons backwards. This pushes the ship forwards because photons have momentum. This is an extremely efficient method to move the ship.
Weapons & Armament
Hyperion Federation starships are equipped with High Energy Turret Hardpoints, so ships can be very easily and quickly retrofitted with a weapon for virtually any role. It is also armed with a Lance Cannon, a heavy Photon Cannon built into the spine of the ship.
Armed with:
3 x size 9 high energy turret hardpoints
2 x size 3.5 high energy turret hardpoints
Lance Cannon
Armor and defense
Thin TGX Composite armour along with hardlight shielding. It also has a number of softkill measures against incomming missiels of multiple factions, most of which are automatically deployed.
Communication Tools & Systems
Tachyon Radars. As tachyons have a superluminal velocoty, the Boson - Class is able to detect enemy forces in nearby star systems in a reasonable time frame.
Crew Compliment
HF starships are extremely well automated. They exploit very large amounts of Replicator nanobots to automatically repair the ship, and very powerful quantum computers to process very complex algorithms. As such, their starships do not require a very large crew to remain operational.
Used by
Owning Organization
Related Technologies
2226 m