Eta Orjans Habitat Alpha

The largest habitat structure built in the Eta Orjans System.   This structure was constructed on the extremely cold surface of Eta Orjans I. Although it is still relatively small compared to most cities, it can provide workers to any location within the system easily. Most people that work in this system will live in this large structure, which has a population of several ten million. It was constructed here because of the lack of geological activity on this planet, and this location is highly concealed from orbit. This makes it more difficult to attack the habitat, many factions might not even know it exists.   As it is located on a planet that is extremely dark and cold, it must provide its own lighting and heating to make it survivable. To this end, there are several Planck-Dismantlement Beams in the habitat itself that can convert matter into energy. Several have been built for redundancy reasons. To help defend the system, there are a number of concealed surface-orbit weapons located on various places on the planet. None of those have been built near this habitat as to not attract enemy attention towards this location. To improve morale, the HF has constructed large sections of parks on the habitat. These are supplied energy from massive, powerful UV lights allowing plants to photosynthesize under the light. Some are designed for various activities and are made entirely flat.
Location under
Owning Organization


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