Eta Orjans System

Star system located in the Odyros galaxy.    The Eta Orjans star itself is actually a black hole. It used to be a hypergiant star that underwent a natural supernova. However, the Hyperion Federation discovered it, and then built a Penrose sphere around it (a megastructure that can harvest energy from black holes).   The Eta Orjans system only has a small number of worlds. The rest were annihilated due to the supernova, but the remaining 4 planets are extremely cold but sometimes with rare, exotic materials. This has caused more than a few factions to fight over it in the past, slowly adding salvages and technologies to the list of valuables here. After every nearby star nation have unified into the HF, however, the system would never see a war again for thousands of years, so the entire system was cleaned and all recovered technologies archived.   A long time after that, they constructed the Penrose sphere. They have harvested massive amounts of energy from it, and even made the sphere habitable making use of QEN technology. They also perform experiments using the black hole. This sometimes involves QEN technologies or Negative Entropy (negentropy). As black holes have entropy values, the ability to destroy entropy in this way has some useful applications. In fact, experiments performed here have directly inspired the Negative Entropy warheads in the first place, so it is still commonly used as an experimental megastructure.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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