
A sentient species of the Alti Dominion, a faction in the Arcturus Galaxy. The Jalaqin species was completely engineered by the Alti primary species, the Traxilax. They were specifically designed to be enslaved. As such, Jalaqin are very strong despite not being much larger than the average sentient species.   Furthermore, should they not fulfill their programmed purpose designated at birth, they will get an intense desire to work. In extreme cases, this will might even overpower their basic will for suvival. After completing a task fulfilling this, they will get feelings of satisfaction and will want to do more.   Despite this, some have managed to rebel from the Dominion. They must take expensive and specific drugs to keep the desire to work at bay. Many of these found a home within other factions, such as the Republic of Miasi, which treats them much better. These people work for their respective faction.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Trisexual (Uimale, Jemale, Female), but only 2 of those are actually required for reproduction. There also must be a female for it to work. Also, they lay eggs. They attain fertility early in life (~9 years) and retain it for the rest of their life.


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