Lab 83J

A very large laboratory constructed by the Hyperion Science Association(HSA) on SNT-94.   The structure was built to research possible methods that the metal components of Cyber Sphere planets could be extracted. Normally, this material is extremely strong, making it difficult to separate and use, even for the hf.    Laboratories such as this have managed to produce a small but usable amount of this material but have so far been unsuccessful in making the process easy enough to perform on an industrial scale. This project has been known to attract the attention of the planets automated self repair system. This system has attacked the laboratory several times in order to keep the planet intact but so far they have managed to hold off these attacks. This is partially why the project has been advancing slower than anticipated, as to not become attacked by an immense force.    Despite the resource drain, though, the information gathered here has proven valuable. Using this structure, the HSA was able to determine that these kinds of planets are made up of a huge amount of different types of metal, many of which hold totally different properties. For example, some are highly conductive (sometimes even superconductive) whereas some materials are effective insulators. Each seems to have their own process for identification and extraction. Currently the Hyperion Federation predicts there are several thousand types of metals present, though only 93 have been identified. They all look exactly the same from the naked eye.
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