
A Cyber Sphere planet located in the Unreachable Star Cluster.   This was the first Cyber Sphere world ever discovered. Of course, this entirely metallic planet has immediately caught the attention of the Republic of Miasi, who the Hyperion Federation helped develop the WFFC. This discovery would interest every power in the galaxy, as well as the greater HF as well. The latter of these would keep this secret from the other large factions of the Fortrais Galaxy Cluster.   This world would orbit it's parent star at a relatively short radius, making it quite hot and uninhabitable to most life. To explore it, special protective equipment needs to be used. This equipment would also need to withstand the odd, often diverse conditions of the Cyber Sphere. For example, molten metal rain and strange antigravitational anomalies. Due to this, the Hyperion Federation was the first faction on the sphere as they already had the technology required for this, but they helped the Republic of Miasi develop the equipment required.    They mapped the entire surface from orbit but some jammers prevented deeper scans, even to HF sensors. They found a way to enter though, and have already launched a number of deep planetary expeditions before another Cyber Sphere was discovered. In more current times, the world itself hasn't changed much but is the best known and mapped cyber sphere in existence. Several databases have been found, and the core is also fully mapped.
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