Marakas IV Command Station

A large space station of the Saelian Coalition orbiting Marakas IV.   This station was used to command a large number of military forces during the various wars of the Saelians. This included the Suon - Saelian war, but it would be during that war the station was captured by Tebburus forces, though not before the previous owners would heavily damage it preventing its use until almost the end of the war.    The station was also used as a logistical station. Most of the materials mined from the various moons here, as well as the gas from the gas giant, were shipped here to be distributed around the system as well as wider saelian territory. This made it very viable as a repair station and it has a lot of space drydocks.    Both of these uses required a station of large proportions so the Command Station was very large in comparison to almost any other station in the system. This made it a significant cornerstone of this star system. It is still outclassed by some habitation stations, which simply have a lot of requirements. Unlike many stations of its time, this station did not resemble a large Flying Disc and it did not spin. It would instead use Graviton Wave Refraction to produce gravity, due to the large number of drydocks it needed to be able to maintain simultaneously.
Space Station
Location under
Owning Organization


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