Marakas IV

Gas giant planet located in the Marakas System .   Marakas IV is quite cold, but has a very short orbital period in comparison to many similar gas giants because of the low luminosity of this class M star making it not very luminous. Like many gas giants, this one is large and features a number of storms on the surface which can make it difficult to harvest with large cable-like structures safely. This can make it dangerous, so the Hyperion Federation has opted to make fewer, larger collectors rather than many small collectors, to reduce the risk of the cables tangling. The gas giant also has a number of moons orbiting it. This adds a fairly large value to the gas giant itself, as it provides a place to mine rare metallic ores or various other materials from. This planet also has a large asteroid ring that is commonly mined by the HF.   Before the Suon - Saelian war, it was owned by the Saelian Coalition. However, the sheer number of planetoids and asteroids present meant that this gas giant system was more easily defended. This would be one of the final worlds the Suons would capture, even after blockading it the gas giant system would remain difficult to attack due to the sheer diversity of resources present. Eventually, though, they would manage. The suons would construct a large war museum station orbiting the gas giant, but were not oppressive. After the war, they handed the planet along with the rest of the star system back to the saelians, having made certain they could not have a repeat of the suon-saelian war.
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