
Gas giant planet in the Anaris System.
  Rragrar is the largest planet in the system and the 5th planet from the star. This makes the gas giant hot, though not extremely hot. Notably, it also tilts on its axis significantly. Rragrar is a very large planet with several rings, each of which occupy different orbits. It has 4 different rings, and although 2 are close to each other, one of these is at a much larger radius. These rings have been subject to a lot of mining by The Caretakers, giving them access to a lot of resources. The caretakers also synthesize hydrogen from the gas giant to be used in fusion reactors and generate a lot of power.
  Rragrar also has a large number of moons that orbit it. Many of these would be about as large as a planet and perhaps be habitable with a bit of terraforming. In fact, the Karnol Caretakers has terraformed several. These have been made into gagaragan habitats, but the rest are exploited by caretakers which can survive the extreme conditions. Some of these moons are also tidally locked, meaning one side faces the gas giant constantly.
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