Anaris System

The home system of the Gagarag race.   The Anaris star itself is a class B star, which is very bright. Due to this extreme brightness, the gagarag homeworld Fragrarar is at a very large radius from the star. The gagarag used large solar stations to make use of this very bright star. The Anaris system also features a large amount of very hot worlds due to this.   The Anaris star itself has had a number of mass coronal ejections in its history. Initially, this meant that all of gagarag society was impacted by these ion storms making it difficult to use mobile equipment. Additionally, they also had to build faraday cages around all their data centers to protect them. These faraday cages remain to this day, in case it happens again and destroys a number of caretakers. In that case, they constantly monitor the star so that they can have a lot of time to evacuate if need be.   The Anaris system also has a number of asteroid belts. Historically, pirates would often hide in them but as the space industry expanded and the caretakers took over gagarag society, the piracy was reduced significantly as a large number of mines were slowly established on world. These could cheaply provide the KC with a large amount of material cheaply while also acting as supply stations all along the belt. The only thing they couldn't pass around the belt easily is starship fuel, as hydrogen is notably lacking in these asteroid belts.
Star System
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